Which antivirus app do you like and why?

Kaspersky 2006 was currently one of the best last i checked. It has better malware detection then NOD32 and the new 06 version is also even lighter on resources than NOD32 which is noted for using very little resources. It has scored higher in several popular AV tests than NOD32 as well. KAV 2006 and NOD32 are definitely the two best followed probably by Symantec Corp.
I really want to try Kaspersky, but it has given me serious problems on two computers. :( One a Dell, one a custom built by Monarch. BSoDs and hard lockups.

I was using AVG Free, but it kind of annoyed me, so now I'm using avast! 4 Home.
Do you really need a virus scanner if your behind a firewall, cause if a script kiddies trojan manages to get through its going to get onto the hard drive only to realize nothing can connect to it cause all the ports are concealed. Maybe for a damaging bug that just destroys its environment a viral scanner would be useful, but for downloader progs i dont see it necesary.
Also since switching to xp x64 edition i have had many issues just trying to install an anti-virus scanner, cause all of them say some message about not being compatible (dah). Maybe i will just setup a trip-wire program that will just give me a shout out when something bad trips over and sounds the alarm.
Though if i could use a scanner it would def be avg, cause avast which is basically the same thing is a horrible program. Second choice would be pc-cillin, cause after using the 30day trial i subscribed to a year and that was my computers golden days (until i went 100% linux for a year).
locutus24 said:
Do you really need a virus scanner if your behind a firewall, cause if a script kiddies trojan manages to get through its going to get onto the hard drive only to realize nothing can connect to it cause all the ports are concealed. Maybe for a damaging bug that just destroys its environment a viral scanner would be useful, but for downloader progs i dont see it necesary.

If your using a hardware firewall its not protecting you from whats going out of your machine, its only watching inbound traffic. Also, a virus is a program that requires you to open the program it is written to in order for it to be executed. You could download a file and click on it and the moment it runs it starts infecting your machine. An anti-virus program is essential for most any PC.
burningrave101 said:
If your using a hardware firewall its not protecting you from whats going out of your machine, its only watching inbound traffic.
Thats what i meant, cause when i setup my server i couldnt accept inbound traffic till i forwarded the proper port, what i am trying to say is how can with a hardware firewall a viral prog receive incoming files
AVG for my lan rigs, and Avast for the server box (FTP and what not)

1. it's truly free, has a small footprint and works great
2. NOD isn't free, and does not appear any better than AVG
3. Norton and McAfee SUCKS DOG TESTICLES.....