Winding down for summer


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006
Guys (gals?), I will be winding a lot of my production down for the summer. This will be the first summer I have done a major cut. I will be focusing mostly on projects that need testing, new projects I haven't hit 1 million points in, and the occaisional challenge. So, please do not think I'm half assing or ignoring things. If there is a challenge that we are not signed up but need to be, please contact me ASAP. Even if nobody takes interest later. Better to get signed up than miss the boat. There are always challenges going at BOINCStats, POGS, WCG, and of course Formula-BOINC/DC-Vault. If it isn't one of the major ones, I probably won't sign us up unless someone asks. The good news is that I am supposedly getting a few used nVidia 970's given to me probably later today. Since my best cards are a 780 and a 750Ti, that will be a nice bump when I fire them up later on.
It is good to be friends with people that are upgrading to the latest and greatest. It helps when they also have the DC bug and don't want to mess with eBay/FS sites.

Some people will also compensate you for your time when you go above and beyond to help them get things set up correctly. I have a few friends on other teams that I've actually logged into their rigs via TeamViewer to get going. It may sound anti-team H but my goal is to further the science regardless of who is doing it.
Oh, and he tossed in a couple 660's and supposedly some DDR3 RAM. We shall see when I get home. :woot:
I can power those 970s for a little while, while you're waiting out the summer heat.
Sure enough..they came. Will have to wait for the weekend to do anything with them though.
Good to see some 'paying forward' come full circle with the GPU's. I encourage peeps to DC too and tell them about the team but don't push it. Just getting them folding or crunching or whatever helps the cause. I've had to reduce CPU cores for boinc too due to summer heat and hitting 100C + temps on my i7's.
Since most people I have worked with in the past had no interest but didn't mind me borging their systems, I would give them free minor upgrades and tech support in return for their "donation". I have also recycled PC's and donated them to lesser income families asking them to allow the software to run in exchange for the free systems in the past too. Most don't care as long as they don't have to do anything and it doesn't interfere with their usage. Unfortunately, most people don't buy PC's anymore...

I've probably given 3 dozen PC's away in the last 2 years that never even reached the interwebs...