When do you think $375.00 will buy an old 3090TI ?


Jan 18, 2006
Due to budget and wife I have to stay way back in my hardware, but still try to get the best even if it is two generations old. I had to wait a long time to replace my 1070 with a 1080TI for $250.00 but I could at least seriously feel the difference.. finally got to a 3070 and I still can't see enough cash to sell the 3070 and buy a 3090. So what is your guess? Sometime after the 5000 series comes out, a year, two years? Almost jumped on one here that was having intermittent blackouts before I got a serious laugh out of my chances of actually diagnosing it and fixing it.
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Maybe something like that. As far as I can see, 3080 10gb are still around $400, so there is a bit to go still before you are going to see 3090 Ti's that low.
People using AI want the 24GB VRAM so I think it's gonna stay above $500 for quite a few years.
From what I've read, due to the 4090 not supporting nvlink, the 3090 could stay popular with that crowd for a really long time.

Bummer I know. On the flip side, maybe a 4090 in a few years instead?
Isnt the 4070ti kind of close to a 3090ti with half the memory? So, I would expect a 3090ti to be $700+ for quite awhile. You might be able to find a used 3090 for maybe $600 or so? I am speculating of course.

I wouldn't see a 3090ti for $375 for at least another 2-3 years imo.
Could depends on the mid-range 5000 series in say 2025 (if the high end launch in 2024 and the rest later on and if it is a game changing affair some time before price get down to msrp by 2025)

If nvidia decide to make a 4060->5060 move that look like the 1060->2060 or 3090->4090 one in terms of performance, the 5060 would be around a 3080 in performance, if the keep the $3xx price tag new with how much easier it will be to run versus the power-temp-size of a 3090TI.... could be tempting to go for the new 5060 if the price are close, as long has the 16GB or more version is not overpriced too much.