What benchmarks should I run to convince potential buyers that my delidded OC 6700K is safe?

Rev. Night

Mar 30, 2004
I currently have a 6700K (delidded) that is OC to 4.7 on all cores. The mobo is at 1.375v iirc. When the Ryzen 7000 X3D chip comes out, I plan on upgrading to that, and selling my cpu/mobo/ram here on [H]. Due to the nature of delids, OC, potential shoddy work, internet scams etc.., what benchmarks or other evidence do people want to see to convince them that this is a safe buy? I am asking now while everything is installed so I can take my time. What screen recording utility would people recommend?

Other info:
-CPU has high temp kapton tape around the die to prevent accidental liquid metal contact
-TG Conductonaut used
-Delidded safely via RocketIt Cool kit (sold on [H] actually)
-RocketIt Cool Copper IHS

My 2 penny opinion - I would not sell it to someone that doesn't know what they're buying/getting into or that hasn't had one delidded in the past. It's a 2015 piece of silicon that is naturally going to degrade over time at higher voltages/clocks so whoever the buyer is, they need to have appropriate expectations of what they're buying. I think that'll save you the headache of someone claiming it doesn't perform like it's supposed. On the flip side to that, sell it as-is for cash after showing them that it ran a Realbench stress test for a few hours. Good luck with your sale.
Those are good points. I'll put in the sale notes that its only been delidded the past 2 years (stock before that). Cooling rig is Noctua DH-15 with 2 noctua A12x25s. But I like the realbench stress test idea. Thanks!
I currently have a 6700K (delidded) that is OC to 4.7 on all cores. The mobo is at 1.375v iirc. When the Ryzen 7000 X3D chip comes out, I plan on upgrading to that, and selling my cpu/mobo/ram here on [H]. Due to the nature of delids, OC, potential shoddy work, internet scams etc.., what benchmarks or other evidence do people want to see to convince them that this is a safe buy? I am asking now while everything is installed so I can take my time. What screen recording utility would people recommend?

Other info:
-CPU has high temp kapton tape around the die to prevent accidental liquid metal contact
-TG Conductonaut used
-Delidded safely via RocketIt Cool kit (sold on [H] actually)
-RocketIt Cool Copper IHS

For testing, you may run CB R23 at that clock speed for 30 minutes loop (minimum), and then compare the score to the other oc results of 6700K.
Also don't forget to run HWInfo to log the minimum at maximum of temp, clock speed when running the Cinebench R23.
Make sure that the package you will sell (cpu + mobo) will be accompanied with the same cooler so that your potential consumer will not have biased result(s) once he / she installed on their PC.

That's what I usually did when selling my previous CPU / mobo or package deal.
Test it first at my rig then sell to them as advertised.
I'd would run prime95 for few hours. Sold my CPU's without such proofs, even de-lidded 3570k
These are solid recommendations, everyone gets likes up in here.

That being said, no way in gods green earth I am including my cooler with this purchase. Its a Noctua NH-D15 with A12x25s. Retail is $170 before tax.