Need to replace my PC's Xbox360 controller, are there any with six face buttons?

Jan 3, 2009
The controller I use for my PC, a wired Xbox360 controller, has seen better days. But I am reluctant to just replace it with a modern Xbox controller (especially since I don't like wireless... and they are expensive).

I was wondering, are there any controllers similar to the Xbox360 controller but with six face buttons instead of four? I know that due to the way Xinput works you can't have all of them act as separate buttons and they would likely just repeat the shoulder buttons, and that's fine, but I can't find any that even do that.

All the one I can find seem to be missing SOMETHING from the original 360 controller layout when adding the six buttons. Such as having only two shoulder buttons instead of four, or the back shoulder buttons not being analog, or missing the analog thumbsticks, etc.

Is anyone aware of a controller that is basically a standard dual-analog layout with dual-analog thumbsticks and four shoulder buttons with the back two being analog... but also having six face buttons instead of four? Even if the additional two face buttons just duplicate what two of the shoulder buttons do.
(especially since I don't like wireless... and they are expensive).
On that point, my xbox controller that came in the xbox one S (2016 release) can both play wireless or connected, the Xbox series X controller can be plugged via usb has well.
I picked up brand new current Xbox controllers for under $40 during the holidays. One from target was $35 brand new.

They can easily be used wired with a usb cable.

No sense in trying to find a reliable Xbox 360 controller at this point imo.
never used a saturn controller eh?
this is/was the 8bitdo version:
yes, its a modern saturn controller, i think 8bitdo does it. let me see if i can find it....
i think they are disco'd, i cant find them now. both 8bitdo and retro-bit had them, 3-5 years ago...
Yeah, I know about that one. Issue is the triggers are not analog. I think the beta versions when it was first announced might have had them (as well as bigger analog sticks) like shown in post #7 here, but the final version removed that and now it just has digital triggers and very very tiny analog sticks.