I can't recommend AMD over Nvidia

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Jul 20, 2015
Not trying to trigger anyone, but I bought 7900 XTX after 20+ years of Nvidia cards and I'm fine with the card, but regret not getting a 4080 instead.
This high end 7900 XTX (Red Devil LE) was some €100 cheaper than a low end 4080 which was my argument to get it.

Here are my reasons why I should've bought 4080:

- Better power efficiency. 4080 is some 60-70w less while putting out somewhat similar performance.
- DLSS 3 with FG. As much as so many hate it, this is the future and I'm not against it. FSR 3 is still not out and no words on it. And by the time it's out, Nvidia will be 1-2 years ahead.
- Nvidia is leading AMD in AI tech and it shows. If you want to do some more fun stuff besides gaming then Nvidia is again a better pick. AI cores are used for a bunch of other things, like the recently released AI video upscaling.
- Better driver support in games. Games run better with Nvidia.
- Nvidia is the way to go if you want to play VR. A lot of VR games run bad on 7900 XT/X.
- Nvidia is better than AMD for video editing.

With that being said, I'm keeping my 7900 XTX. It's a great performer, but I miss the extra stuff RTX cards have.
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I think the point was addressing the blanket statement that games just "run better" on Nvidia when that's objectively false. Any review will show that some games perform better on equivalent AMD hardware, sometimes by a wide margin.

I think for an average user who simply wants to plug in a card and forget about it, probably only updating the driver once every 2-3 years, you can't really argue against that. Both have problems and games they don't do well in, but overall one is easier than the other. I think this has more to do with budget and the size of the company honestly.

AMD has a massive advantage in software though, that Radeon control panel is a beauty. Nvidia needs to catch up to the times. If there was an AMD card as powerful as the 4090 I would be all over it, I've had a soft spot for the red cards since AGP was the preferred slot of choice.
I think this has more to do with budget and the size of the company honestly.
This is most likely true. As for the rest...idk. I haven't owned an Nvidia card since my 1080ti and before that I could have issues with either company. I just don't like "it just works" because it really downplays when something simply doesn't work. I don't think anyone should just expect a GPU to run everything without issue for 3 years. It's going to happen eventually, and it's better for users to learn how to troubleshoot.
This is most likely true. As for the rest...idk. I haven't owned an Nvidia card since my 1080ti and before that I could have issues with either company. I just don't like "it just works" because it really downplays when something simply doesn't work. I don't think anyone should just expect a GPU to run everything without issue for 3 years. It's going to happen eventually.

Right, like I play a lot of Cyberpunk 2077 and they updated DLSS and broke the hell out of it. Flashing artifacts and weird graphical glitches if you use it. I play at 4K so even with a 4090 you can't run ultra with RT on and no DLSS if you want anywhere north of 40fps.
I feel like you could depending of who in your circle is asking for a pc build part lists, just ask do you do or plan to do VR gaming with it.

AMD cards at most price points via RDNA 2 still outthere seem to be the best deals for a lot of potential people

Minor points but I feel that AMD did had some words very recently of FSR 3, maybe it was this, they gave some high level details at GDC last month:

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I feel like you could depending of who in your circle is asking for a pc build part lists, just ask do you do or plan to do VR gaming with it.
Pretty much. Almost every card has an audience depending on needs.

Neither win at everything 100% of the time.
Owning both a 7900XTX and a 4090 I gotta say the 7900XTX impressed me more than I ever thought it would. The jump from the 6900XT was huge. I use it with my HTPC gaming at 4K on a 65 inch C1 OLED and there is nothing I've thrown at it that it couldn't handle with ease. I use my 4090 on my main desktop gaming at 3440x1440 which the 4090 obliterates but I wouldn't say the gaming experience is drastically better. Sure there are things like DLSS3 and better RT but all those are moot to me. I do enjoy fiddling with them to see what they do but usally end up turning them off. If I only had to pick one I'd pick the AMD just due to the price. I'd EASILY pick the 7900XTX over the 4080. Faster card, better price. That's just me, though.
I went from Team Blue to Team Red on my CPU. Zero regrets. Super cheap upgrade and my system performs far beyond my needs.

Got a 3070 now, but on my next upgrade I'd 100% give AMD a hard look. It'd all come down to price, really.
I've been waiting for news on a 4080 Ti before making any purchase decision on a new GPU. That 7900XTX is awfully hard to ignore, especially since its price continues to drop. My last AMD GPU was when they still were ATI. It was the 5870. I had two in a Crossfire setup.
If all those things mattered to you buy the best thats going to make you happy. I have had 7900xtx and I don't really feel like its a bad purchase. it all depends on what you pay for it. I never really use DLSS3 so it doesn't matter to me. But I do have 4090 in my main rig because I just didn't want to have to depend on dlss3 for things.

These are the things I would consider before purchase not after. Just recommendation.
I recently bought a 6600 RX for my work gaming pc. I have to admit I was impressed how well it has run, and the drivers/software are. In some ways I think its better than Nvidia's own control panel for tweaking etc.

When it comes to drivers, lately I would have to say its an even tie. Nvidia's drivers as of late have been.....well bad sometimes. Issues constantly, quick hotfixes etc.

I do recommend AMD if a person is looking for a budget. But Nvidia is like Apple as in their products do keep a good resale value.
This sounds like an Nvidia shareholder astroturfing campaign....

"games just run better" but lol I'm mostly happy with my other brand but I just can't recommend them over NVidia™ Geforce©, with its RTX: ON™ technology such as DLSS 3.0 Frame Generation
No wait, how hard would it be to create a script that could essentially use stolen account details (or register new accounts) to post ChatGPT-generated astroturfing posts on all sorts of gaming, tech, investing forums in an attempt to shift public opinion and boost share price on the back of a massive run-up? genius idea, as the modern LLMs can pump out unique, human-sounding posts in microseconds.
No wait, how hard would it be to create a script that could essentially use stolen account details (or register new accounts) to post ChatGPT-generated astroturfing posts on all sorts of gaming, tech, investing forums in an attempt to shift public opinion and boost share price on the back of a massive run-up? genius idea, as the modern LLMs can pump out unique, human-sounding posts in microseconds.
Well they say if you can imagine it, it's already been done so ..... I think a reply from the OP on this matter should help with the determination.
I dumped nVidia this time around for AMD- after 22 years no less. I had to think about that- it gives me pause. My first Card after a Voodoo 2 in 1998 was a GeForce 256 in 1999.

Why? Honestly I was just curious. I've been using AMD CPUs since Thunderbird. So why not?

I have a RX 6600 and a RX 6700 XT. Not top of the line. But they have been great.

However, I did not upgrade to the 7000 series due to VR performance concerns. So it's *possible* I could be running back to nVidia in the next few months.

That being said, the AMD cards have been a good experience for me. If the VR issues are straightened out I'll stay.
Super happy with my Red Devil RX 7900XTX. So to kinda go point by point :D....

- Better power efficiency... I had to buy a bigger PSU (I had a 750w, I upgraded to a 1000w)... but otherwise... I mean these are higher-end GPU's... not sure I care that much.
- DLSS 2/SR is better than FSR2. But between FSR2 being "ok", XeSS occasionally being really to close DLSS and Epic's TSR being pretty damn decent... can't say I'm hurting on upscaling. FG is cool though, be interesting to see how that pans out.
- AI stuff. Well for the video upscaler... personally I was kinda unimpressed the more I looked into it. Plus, MS already more or less copied the feature into Edge while being hardware agnostic. Your not wrong though... but it hasn't really played out in a way yet where I care much. You can also do the whole stable diffusion stuff on AMD hardware as well.
- Drivers have been good. Stuff has played great on my AMD hardware.
- VR support is a shame. I hope this improves... seriously. I want to dive back in :D
- I don't really video edit often. So I can't comment much, other than knowing CUDA support is super common place.

But yeah... I would and have recommended AMD GPU's before and people have been happy. Just have to know what they are trying to do and they can be great.
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So do we recommend Intel Arc over team red and green now? Benchmarks at 1080p are not bad. I have had both and each have their plus and minuses.

My 3080 was expensive but runs flawlessly at 144/2k, the memory buffer is fine folks, it is time to game on!
Wow, OP triggered a lot of folks. It's simply his opinion. He figured out he prefers the Nvidia ecosystem over the AMD ecosystem. Lots of people here go the other way. Not sure why this is so controversial to folks.

I hope you enjoy your AMD GPU, OP. It's a good card.
Wow, OP triggered a lot of folks. It's simply his opinion. He figured out he prefers the Nvidia ecosystem over the AMD ecosystem. Lots of people here go the other way. Not sure why this is so controversial to folks.

I hope you enjoy your AMD GPU, OP. It's a good card.

I dunno, sounds more like marketing babble then a honest opinion. I mean if you like DLSS 3 then you need to pay the extra and buy a Nvidia card. Then there is the mention of AI tech and it's many uses and the only thing mentioned is 1 new feature that was recently released. Better driver support without stating a reason why one feels that way, with a blanket statement that games run better on Nvidia. VR is a issue I have heard people complain about on AMD for the last few generations, so if it was important to you, why the hell would you get a AMD card for VR then? Not really stated what issue he sees with video editing, as once again it's just a blanket statement that Nvidia is better.

I have used video cards from multiple different companies over the years and I have yet to have one that the drivers didn't frustrate me on a particular game and had to wait for updated drivers. Also sometimes it was just a buggy game, happens. Probably the most frustrated I ever was when I tried using SLI with 2 8800GT cards, took way to much tinkering to get them to work like they were supposed to and micro stutter was a issue. Never did dual cards from anyone after that. But none of that stopped me from upgrading from a 290x to a 1080 Nvidia card and now I have a 6900XT. Every manufacturer has pros and cons and you need to pick what will work best for your use case.
Not trying to trigger anyone, but I bought 7900 XTX after 20+ years of Nvidia cards and I'm fine with the card, but regret not getting a 4080 instead.
This high end 7900 XTX (Red Devil LE) was some €100 cheaper than a low end 4080 which was my argument to get it.

Here are my reasons why I should've bought 4080:

- Better power efficiency. 4080 is some 60-70w less while putting out somewhat similar performance.
- DLSS 3 with FG. As much as so many hate it, this is the future and I'm not against it. FSR 3 is still not out and no words on it. And by the time it's out, Nvidia will be 1-2 years ahead.
- Nvidia is leading AMD in AI tech and it shows. If you want to do some more fun stuff besides gaming then Nvidia is again a better pick. AI cores are used for a bunch of other things, like the recently released AI video upscaling.
- Better driver support in games. Games run better with Nvidia.
- Nvidia is the way to go if you want to play VR. A lot of VR games run bad on 7900 XT/X.
- Nvidia is better than AMD for video editing.

With that being said, I'm keeping my 7900 XTX. It's a great performer, but I miss the extra stuff RTX cards have.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. I had a recent experience with AMD after using team green's products for years. Even though AMD did eventually fix the buggy drivers I had with my 6600, it took way to long. I am not sure why people get so triggered over this stuff - I had so many people telling me it was my fault that AMD had buggy drivers. It's amazing how brand loyalty completely blinds some people. Just got for what works best for YOUR use case. If that is AMD, then great!
I dunno, sounds more like marketing babble then a honest opinion. I mean if you like DLSS 3 then you need to pay the extra and buy a Nvidia card. Then there is the mention of AI tech and it's many uses and the only thing mentioned is 1 new feature that was recently released. Better driver support without stating a reason why one feels that way, with a blanket statement that games run better on Nvidia. VR is a issue I have heard people complain about on AMD for the last few generations, so if it was important to you, why the hell would you get a AMD card for VR then? Not really stated what issue he sees with video editing, as once again it's just a blanket statement that Nvidia is better.

I have used video cards from multiple different companies over the years and I have yet to have one that the drivers didn't frustrate me on a particular game and had to wait for updated drivers. Also sometimes it was just a buggy game, happens. Probably the most frustrated I ever was when I tried using SLI with 2 8800GT cards, took way to much tinkering to get them to work like they were supposed to and micro stutter was a issue. Never did dual cards from anyone after that. But none of that stopped me from upgrading from a 290x to a 1080 Nvidia card and now I have a 6900XT. Every manufacturer has pros and cons and you need to pick what will work best for your use case.
sums everything quite well and yes i remember the pain and suffering of SLI 8800GT's.. thank god multi-gpu is dead that shit was abysmally bad and i regret ever trying to use it.
I dunno, sounds more like marketing babble then a honest opinion. I mean if you like DLSS 3 then you need to pay the extra and buy a Nvidia card. Then there is the mention of AI tech and it's many uses and the only thing mentioned is 1 new feature that was recently released. Better driver support without stating a reason why one feels that way, with a blanket statement that games run better on Nvidia. VR is a issue I have heard people complain about on AMD for the last few generations, so if it was important to you, why the hell would you get a AMD card for VR then? Not really stated what issue he sees with video editing, as once again it's just a blanket statement that Nvidia is better.

I have used video cards from multiple different companies over the years and I have yet to have one that the drivers didn't frustrate me on a particular game and had to wait for updated drivers. Also sometimes it was just a buggy game, happens. Probably the most frustrated I ever was when I tried using SLI with 2 8800GT cards, took way to much tinkering to get them to work like they were supposed to and micro stutter was a issue. Never did dual cards from anyone after that. But none of that stopped me from upgrading from a 290x to a 1080 Nvidia card and now I have a 6900XT. Every manufacturer has pros and cons and you need to pick what will work best for your use case.
End scene.
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