FormulaBoinc 2017, Threats/Opportunities

OK; here now the combined overview site:

for League 1 and 2 we can see there we would be as our team; and in addition our reality from League 3

Alternative view with grouping by league; or by type of race (Marathon and Sprint).

Once again: I faced some trouble with loading and chaching I'm still looking into.

Let me know what you think ... too complex, too simple, ...

Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 21.18.20.png

Unfortunate I don't have the activity indictor on this page; so it just show the chronological sequence of project as on FB itself.
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I think the info is fantastic ChristianVirtual ! Thanks for the hard work. My only suggestion is a spot for total overall standing be added for all 3 Leagues that essentially tallied all of our scores for simplicity. Other than that, it is wonderful.
Took me a minute to understand it but looks pretty good to me CV. Is there anyway show where the 'what if' would place us overall in League 1 and 2? Sorry if I missed this.

We have actually quite a colorful "situation" ...

Yep, I've had to come off WCG and start playing defence. I'm currently crunching a mixture of NFS, Mindmodeling, dDM and Wanless on cpus with Moo! on gpus.

Yafu seems to be a imminent threat but it's one of the projects that won't play nicely with Moo! crunching. I'll need to move to Collatz buffering before I can defend that one.

We're slowly losing ground on Mindmodeling because there's only Windows work available which just leaves me with a couple of Ryzens able to crunch it. I'm hoping the project just runs out of work again.

Edit: Looks like Gil can type faster than me, lol.
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I think the info is fantastic ChristianVirtual ! Thanks for the hard work. My only suggestion is a spot for total overall standing be added for all 3 Leagues that essentially tallied all of our scores for simplicity. Other than that, it is wonderful.
Thanks Gilthanis , actually I just wanted to write that the simulated scoring for the other leagues would be useful and should be added. You typed faster ... I think that is something for tomorrow
I’m thinking put our simulated standing into this report , our name in blue based on the league-specific scoring; and keep the actuals as is.

ChristianVirtual, if I read correctly, next year the top 3 teams in League 2 will move over to League 1, so if all teams maintain status quo in terms of run rate, we will be number one in League 2 next year and get bumped up to League 1 the following year which means staying in the top 10 in League 1 won't be easy. Well, we can think about this at the end of next year :cool:
ChristianVirtual, if I read correctly, next year the top 3 teams in League 2 will move over to League 1, so if all teams maintain status quo in terms of run rate, we will be number one in League 2 next year and get bumped up to League 1 the following year which means staying in the top 10 in League 1 won't be easy. Well, we can think about this at the end of next year :cool:
Like your positive way of thinking :)
Hey ChristianVirtual , do you think you could make one of these up for WCG birthday challenge and the Pentathlon's next year? I think your charts are easier to compare our production to other teams than SETI.Germany's in a few ways. The Birthday Challenge isn't set up very well to easily dictate movement and threats as well.
I think it’s possible ... question if they have a XML file with the data or need to grap from boinc native. But both possible.

You mean like the sprint overview ? Or with the projected times passing/beeing mowed ?
Getting mowed or doing the mowing. The sprint overview is nice but their charts are usually sufficient for that. I just like the idea of having things color coded for easy reference. That way I don't have to keep comparing numbers back and forth in my head.
After just reading the less than sporting comments over at the EVGA forum I've started to develop Machiavellian thoughts about next years FB event.

Specifically, the question I have is whether it is within the rules to bunker in 2017 for a drop in 2018? The angel on one shoulder tells me that, although amusing, it may be a somewhat underhand action whilst the devil on the other shoulder says 'if it's within the rules, then hell yes'.

It is my number one goal to crush EVGA so bad their team dismantles. I want to remove their will to compete in any form of competition.

With that being said, I am going to do everything I can in my power to ensure we completely dominate them next year. So yes. Bunker everything you can.
A lot of members on their team have always been like that, however some of them are cool. Such as Bill, who is also a GenMay subscriber here at [H]. I wish he would jump ship one day to the dark side.
This post right here is exactly why we should bunker in 2017 and dump in 2018.

"For this last Sprit I stopped all GPU work and gave all the CPU power to Citizen Science Grid and even stopped Folding.
Maybe Formula Boinc next year for Sprits will not post what the Sprit is until 3 or 4 ours or so before the Start.
This way the Cheating of Bunkering will stop."

He is a little whiny bitch if you ask me.
I get enough confrontation at work every day and so do this to wind down. It really defeats me why they can't just relax and enjoy the friendly competition. My reaction to an awesome TAAT bunker drop during the WCG birthday challenge would have been 'dammit, but well played'

At least some of their own team are questioning the harshness of the comments.
If the work is completed before the deadline then the projects benefit.

Even if the work isn't completed and has to be dropped it will be picked up by someone else. are feeding a major Troll. bcav and Punchy have beet this dead horse so many times. The only difference is that bcav is shallow enough that he goes back through the forums and deletes all of his comments in hopes others don't see how much of an incompetent dick he is when debating issues. They continue to bitch without providing any tangible solutions. Best to just ignore them both.
My troll level is maxed out. Plus I got plenty of time.

Thanks for the tip on him deleting his comments though. Time to make screenshots.
That is what I do now as he has actually resorted to name calling and making accusations unfounded. I wiped my archive of offenses when I clean wiped a rig recently. But I definitely suggest screen shots.
He often tends to be very anti-visiting team members that know more than him.
Oh shit; I hope to have my ssh keys on iPad to remote in. But need to find time. Sorry for the trouble !
No big drama. We will cross the checkered flag in about a month. There aren't much opportunities left. Einstein is one of the last project that we can possibly snatch the top pole position. The rest, trying to defend our pole positions.
Eh, those belly achers should be glad I didn't play in the last Sprint. Different leagues, yes, but I could've sucked up most of the WUs if I tried. :p
Luckily, it is mostly 2 individuals over there causing the problems. The downside (more for them) is that they are a small team so it doesn't get drowned out as easily.
No I am glad you didn't. They were talking about how we did less work than them and how we're gonna need to up our game next year in their league. ;)

They just have no idea of the sleeping giant that's going to wake up next year. We got a late start on this years FB and look what we accomplished.
So who is this "silly person" people are bitching about? What team are they on? And did I see someone accusing said person of doing DDoS attacks as well?

BTW, wasn't Zune on TAAT? Or was that the... ummm... Rat (?) team? Thought he might be the person, since so many people dreaded his massive bunkers. I remember sparring with him on a few CPU PrimeGrid contests. ;)

They was just saying that having a shorter announcement of the sprints would basically be a DDoS with everyone jumping on it at once.
No, they were saying that they wanted shorter announcement periods because all of the bunkering of tasks as well as hammering servers with lack of work creates a DDoS. They are essentially hard core anti-bunkering. Well... a couple verbal few are. The others just try to keep the peace and roll with it. So, by having a shorter announcement period, people really wouldn't be able to bunker much at all. This causes problems because of time zones. Many people around the world would not have enough time to respond and partake fairly.
Ok, so we need a boinc Client able to be configured by the team ? A central config file could used to change project assignments around the timezones for those clients allowing it. While skillz sleeps, gilthanis plays with his cowboy I could activate a project for all team clients centrally. Or pututu do the same while I sleep in Japan ... something like this
lol... essentially what would be the next step if they got their way...