Chimp Challenge Team Problems


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2008
Aug 9, 2001
After the way some members of this team have acted towards other members of this team during the chimp challenge, I have decided to have all my systems pulled from the challenge by this evening when I get home from work.

The only reason I'm calling attention to this is basically to protest the attitude some people have had in regards to this contest. It's a great thing to have competitive spirit and to encourage others to join to help out, but the constant bitching and demeaning of members who have not switched over is more than I am going to put up with.

Obviously, the latest incident is the way Anderu was treated when posting his thread about hitting 1 million points. Instead of post after post of congratulations like anyone else would have gotten, there were some threadcrapping posts about the contest. Actions and attitudes like this royally piss me off.

Not everyone on this team is going to join in every contest like this. Some people can't, some people don't want to and some people just don't give a damn. The simple fact of the matter is it is the choice of each individual member whether to join in the challenge and everyone on the team should respect that choice no matter what.

Some of the attitudes and statements from members of this team during this contest are not what I have come to know and love about this team. It's the exact opposite of what I expect and I've been around long enough to know from previous experience what to expect from this team.

I don't care if I piss anyone off but I'm not going to sit around and basically be a part of the bullshit I've seen anymore.

I had a long drawn out paragraph, basically agreeing with Smoke.

Fug that, Any folding is good folding. Arguing over who folds for what is a waste of time.

Personally, I fold for family members who have been affected (or is it effected) by cancer. It makes me feel important. Makes me feel as if I can make a difference in a situation where, in all actuality, I can do absolutely nothing.
I believe this has happened to ALL the teams involved, in one way or another.
I missed all the action but I wont disagree with your action.
Fair play standing up against the arseholes.
I totally agree with this... While the challenge is a nice thing to be competitive, it's not the right place to toss stones at those who didn't participate. I never ever stated it's a "mandatory" participation and while we have the right to be disappointed, we have no right to point fingers around (unless it's someone who is trying to take advantage of a down member like kazak, which I already PMed him to remind him about the context).

I hope that everyone will come back to his sense and realize how petty this behavior is and how this could damage the team spirit since the real goal is to produce the most points for Stanford no matter how or what. I expect those who are guilty of this to amend themselves ;)

Smoky has a point, members shouldn't be hassled to fold for the Ape.
I have to say that the enthusiasm of some members to encourage other team members to fold for the Ape was percieved as "bitching", and it's understandable, since you guys are mostly men :p Some forgotten to be sensitive ;)

now regarding Anderu's thread or was it the threats to Anderu? :D
well it could have gotten a lot worse, something like this:

<capslock> WTF?!?!?! you've been folding under your name all this time?!! WTF dude u suck!!! u are such an egoist SOB!!! u are a disgrace of a folder !!! u should get permabanned !!! ahhhhhh!!! lots of nasty stuff more... :mad: </capslock>

but it didn't go that far. it was kinda civilized, kinda
so Smokey stop blowing steam... erg... smoke ;)
Fairplay :)
I have to say that the enthusiasm of some members to encourage other team members to fold for the Ape was percieved as "bitching", and it's understandable, since you guys are mostly men :p Some forgotten to be sensitive ;)


Smoky has a point, members shouldn't be hassled to fold for the Ape.
I have to say that the enthusiasm of some members to encourage other team members to fold for the Ape was percieved as "bitching", and it's understandable, since you guys are mostly men :p Some forgotten to be sensitive ;)

now regarding Anderu's thread or was it the threats to Anderu? :D
well it could have gotten a lot worse, something like this:

<capslock> WTF?!?!?! you've been folding under your name all this time?!! WTF dude u suck!!! u are such an egoist SOB!!! u are a disgrace of a folder !!! u should get permabanned !!! ahhhhhh!!! lots of nasty stuff more... :mad: </capslock>

but it didn't go that far. it was kinda civilized, kinda
so Smokey stop blowing steam... erg... smoke ;)
Fairplay :)

Wow, well said. A lot of wisdom from such a youngen;)

I was about to post congrats in Anderu’s thread simply because that is a really big milestone. After reading the preceeding posts in that thread I simply logged off, I was in no mood to answer in any way that would have been productive.

The second thread that bugged me was the “calling out” thread. We don’t persecute those who for what ever reason don’t want to play. The machines they fold on are theirs or under their control and they do have choice.

Thank you for pointing out what should have been obvious to all;)

Oh another note, sensitive men went out with the 80s:p

It could have been a lot worse: His thread could have been titled "I just started folding for OCA!!!"

Yeah, Hardforum would have imploded under the weight of all the hate posts lol
A thought...
Maybe some of the stirrers are from other folding teams, here to cause trouble?
I havent kept up with the issues but are any of them new members?

ps just a thought, not calling anyone out.
It could have been a lot worse: His thread could have been titled "I just started folding for OCA!!!"

God forbid!!! :eek:

i said members shouldn't be hassled to fold for the Ape, but i didn't say anything about non Team 33 members ;)

so hassle away those guys from the other teams like "nitteo" or "=Caustic_Rain=" ;) :D
I totally agree with this... While the challenge is a nice thing to be competitive, it's not the right place to toss stones at those who didn't participate. I never ever stated it's a "mandatory" participation and while we have the right to be disappointed, we have no right to point fingers around (unless it's someone who is trying to take advantage of a down member like kazak, which I already PMed him to remind him about the context).

I hope that everyone will come back to his sense and realize how petty this behavior is and how this could damage the team spirit since the real goal is to produce the most points for Stanford no matter how or what. I expect those who are guilty of this to amend themselves ;)

Like I said in my reply to your PM..I don't frequent the site enough to keep up and didn't even realize I had PM's until today! I also didn't realize people had switched over to the chimp challenge so I inadvertently "threatened" digital_exhaust. Again I'm sorry for that.

So...I'll follow SmokeRngs lead in pulling out of the challengeeven though I only switched yesterday. It's almost over anyway but I'll wait until all my clients have finished their current WUs and uploaded their contributions.

Sorry I made some enemies and I'm sad to leave but I'd rather not cause trouble. Good luck to you all and I hope your efforts will be rewarded someday.
Smoky has a point, members shouldn't be hassled to fold for the Ape.
I have to say that the enthusiasm of some members to encourage other team members to fold for the Ape was percieved as "bitching", and it's understandable, since you guys are mostly men :p Some forgotten to be sensitive ;)

now regarding Anderu's thread or was it the threats to Anderu? :D
well it could have gotten a lot worse, something like this:

<capslock> WTF?!?!?! you've been folding under your name all this time?!! WTF dude u suck!!! u are such an egoist SOB!!! u are a disgrace of a folder !!! u should get permabanned !!! ahhhhhh!!! lots of nasty stuff more... :mad: </capslock>

but it didn't go that far. it was kinda civilized, kinda
so Smokey stop blowing steam... erg... smoke ;)
Fairplay :)

I see things a bit different. I don't care that it could have been "worse". It never should have happened in the first place. That's what pisses me off.

I've been around here longer than I realize sometimes and I've seen some great things happen and some shitty things happen. The recent problems I have pointed out are well into the shitty range and will only cause trouble. That's why I started this thread and why I will stick to my guns on this one.

Yes, it's definitely possible my opinions will alienate some people on the team. Personally, I don't give a damn. Anyone who is offended of my opinions and reasoning likely do not know what this team really stands for. This team has been through a lot of shit and I'm not going to see something like this contest start something which could grow into something a lot bigger than what we currently have.

For the time I've been here, there have been two huge team "wars" and neither of them was pretty. I basically had no part in the first and a limited part in the second. I have no desire to see a third and the way things are going there is a chance there will be a third.

Myself and others who have been around for as long or longer than me do not want to see any of this happening and are rather tired and stressed out enough as it is. There is a lot more to this team than being #1 and many have fought to keep the team together because it means more than just working for the project.

I'm sure most of you think I'm overreacting. That may be true. However, I prefer to bring this to everyone's attention now before it grows any larger. All big problems begin as small problems. It's a hell of a lot easier to squash a small problem in its infancy than to ignore it and let it grow.

I believe this has happened to ALL the teams involved, in one way or another.

I don't mean to be an ass towards you, but it shouldn't have happened here. I don't hit up the forums for the "competitors" so I'm not sure how the communities there are and I won't even try to guess. However, the community we have here should never have allowed this to happen and it shames me.

A thought...
Maybe some of the stirrers are from other folding teams, here to cause trouble?
I havent kept up with the issues but are any of them new members?

ps just a thought, not calling anyone out.

No, the problem is not members of other teams. It's easy enough to see if someone is from another team or not and even if they make some type of post it's almost guaranteed it's done in a spirit of ribbing the competition. The problems I have seen are from team members and that's the only reason I said something.

Like I said in my reply to your PM..I don't frequent the site enough to keep up and didn't even realize I had PM's until today! I also didn't realize people had switched over to the chimp challenge so I inadvertently "threatened" digital_exhaust. Again I'm sorry for that.

So...I'll follow SmokeRngs lead in pulling out of the challengeeven though I only switched yesterday. It's almost over anyway but I'll wait until all my clients have finished their current WUs and uploaded their contributions.

Sorry I made some enemies and I'm sad to leave but I'd rather not cause trouble. Good luck to you all and I hope your efforts will be rewarded someday.

I stayed out of the previous thread for a reason. While the post was technically in bad taste, it's also understandable. A lot of people don't frequent the forums, don't ready every thread and have no clue. You probably got ripped worse than you deserved but at least you didn't keep up with the thread once you knew what was going on.

Like I said in my reply to your PM..I don't frequent the site
Don't try and change the subject, you lazy, cancer loving THIEF!!

Erm... sorry. Not really sure where the thief comment came from either. I'm at work, and on lunch... so, professionalism has been thrown out the window for the next hour.
For the time I've been here, there have been two huge team "wars" and neither of them was pretty. I basically had no part in the first and a limited part in the second. I have no desire to see a third and the way things are going there is a chance there will be a third.

the Fold Wars® ? :eek:
wow i dunno anything about those

I'm sure most of you think I'm overreacting. That may be true.

:rolleyes: :D

There is a lot more to this team than being #1 and many have fought to keep the team together because it means more than just working for the project.

indeed. the real reason why we are folding is far greater than any challenge.
we can't let something as trivial as a competition break the real spirit of the folding community!!!

Let it out Smoky, share your feelings with us!!
I can totally agree with smoke, Its easy to lose sight of the values and dignity that is what brought me to this team in the first place. I'll be glad to see this done and hopefully we have learned something from this that we can bring along to next years competition.
I'm glad everyone here folds regardless of they did the challenge, but a pause on the personal achievements and call outs should be made during such an event. That is my main issue with it. In the end it is your decision where you point your machines. Its about 10 days and I think we all can hold off our milestones and call outs for that period without it causing an issue, no?

Fold on!
I know I posted a thread here about a few members who weren't folding for the Chimp Challenge. If I alienated/pissed off/turned you away I apologize. I was only intending to promote the challenge to those who may not have known :(
I stayed out of the previous thread for a reason. While the post was technically in bad taste, it's also understandable. A lot of people don't frequent the forums, don't ready every thread and have no clue. You probably got ripped worse than you deserved but at least you didn't keep up with the thread once you knew what was going on.

I bear no hard feelings to anyone at all so it's all good. After all, I'm here for the same reason as anyone else. Having lost family member to Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (and a horrible suffering at that), I figure the 2nd thing I can do is support a cause to help find a cure and save others from the same misery. The last thing I'm going to be worried about is hurting someone's feeling or mine getting hurt because of a misplaced thread.

Anyway, I probably should've spent more time reading the official thread but seeing it's about a mile long, I didn't quite get to the finer details so my initial responses probably made things worse. Oh well, what can I say...
I also didn't realize people had switched over to the chimp challenge so I inadvertently "threatened" digital_exhaust. Again I'm sorry for that.

kazak...I'm neither "threatened" by you nor am I mad at you. As I said, if your choice was to not participate in the Challenge (although I know you did switch over) that choice was yours and yours alone. So no harm done in my opinion.

I hate to see this turn the team against itself. Let's just use this as a learning experience and move on. There have been a lot of emotions surrounding this contest, and in our teams particular circumstance, I think that's normal. We have a lot of big time heavy hitters around here that also happen to be relatively new to the forum or the team, and not everyone is privy to some of the history of the [H]orde.

Smoke, you know that I have your back 100% when it comes to team spirit and the treatment of our fellow team mates. I sincerely hope that I have done nothing to aggravate things.....although I do think I may have made one emotionally clouded statement the other day, and I'll leave it there, but understand that it's not really something that I'm necessarily proud of.

This contest has been pretty rough for all of us.... I don't think anyone here imagined that the turn out would be what it has been. I'm not making excuses for anyone, but I do think that it just got to the point that desperation set in for some members here, and that desperation led to poor judgment.

So please.....let's just set our hard feelings aside, dust our pants off and Fold On!!!

/Beers and tamales all around, and that includes you kazak:)

I expect a group hug, beer, tamales around a bonfire when the challenge end ;)

I expect a group hug, beer, tamales around a bonfire when the challenge end ;)

yeah, group hug everybody!!! :D

then we are gonna roast some marshmallows and sing "Kumbaya" :p
While you guys are hugging, I'm going to eat all of the tamales. Sorry.

Welp, in some ways I agree with SmokeRngs and in some ways I don't :( I realize my $0.02 cents worth of opinion may not be in universal agreement, in other words there are some people on the [H]orde forum that won't agree with me :)

There is no doubt and I don't think anyone will disagree the program is more important than any competition between teams (anybody in their right freakin' mind would IMO), but what you have to remember is (hopefully) we're all humans and we all make mistakes. Sometimes we get caught up in the moment of competition, while this is no excuse (the US USMC taught me excuses were like a*holes, everyone has one) it's a fact of life. I think there are cases where professional athletes have made mistakes overwhelmed by the games competition (didn't someone get fined for "spiking" the football?). NOBODY is freakin' perfect, no matter what they may think and I figure if they're man/ woman enough to admit they made a mistake it's a step in the right direction. ;)

What the individual does to hurt or revenge on a few concerned with making trespasses on anothers dignity or pride is unfortunately what I find as a rather common and IMO sickening occurence in this world we live in today (ie Viet Nam, Iraq, all the times that one country has imposed it's will on another country because of a few nutballs :rolleyes:). So the idea of boycotting the whole team over a few peoples mistakes makes absolutely no sense to me at all.

Welp, that's my little "soap box" thoughts for today. :D

On the lighter side GO [H]ORDE TEAM 33

Wow, people blow things way outta proportion here, Yes it was a little bit of a Faux Pas (is that right? i'm a male and never use that term) for Anderu to post about his achievement but still well within his rights even if he knew about the CC. Most people in the thread congratulated him and then nudged him the way of the Ape. There were some posts that were a little negative but get over it or talk to the individuals you have a problem with privately.

For those of you who got so offended as to pull your boxen, you have to grow a little thicker skin as this is the internet, We have a very nice community here but you gotta take more in stride and not let minor things bother you. I think its even worse that you pulled your boxen instead of being the bigger man, pointing out the problems and continuing on the course to try to beat MPC.

I for one will say congrats Anderu, and I suggest you check out the challenge as the rest of us need all the help we can get.

Yeah i could have worded my response better... :)

outcast folders? lol

but ya i agree