Can i smoke in the same room where is pc?

Tar will gum up a PC, and can, in rare cases, cause shorts. Mostly it will cause fan bearings to break, and reduce the efficiency of the cooling systems.

Smoke outside, go for walks, it's good exercise.
it can cause shorts?
Put an air filter next to your set up, at least.
Beat me to it..

Heck.. DIY it.. get a strong 20 inch box fan... strap a high MERV value filter on it.. and capture all the gunk/dander from your smoke fest
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If you smoke anywhere in your house, your computer will end up yellow sticky and dusty.

Your computer is your home air filter. It sucks in air and blows it out. The smoke deposits tarry stuff on every surface inside the case.
The more crap you have glued to all the tiny components in your computer, the more stray current flows around. It won't kill your PC outright but will inhibit the passive cooling of the mobo, expansion cards, etc.
Using canned air or a brush won't be fully effective, after a few years you'll be forced to bathe your stuff in isopropyl alcohol to get it actually clean.
Non-smokers working on your computer will hate you, because we as smokers don't notice it as much, while non-smokers will be able to tell your PC was at their shop for days.
Bathe it in pot smoke every evening. It'll cover up the cigarette stink and the reefer boys at the repair shop will love you ;)
I used to smoke, and my pc was gross. Especialy with pets, carpet, etc.. Now I just smoke pot and my PC is fine. I blow it out once a month or two or three and its fine. Tidy house keeping habits make more of a diffference imo.
I used to smoke, and my pc was gross. Especialy with pets, carpet, etc.. Now I just smoke pot and my PC is fine. I blow it out once a month or two or three and its fine. Tidy house keeping habits make more of a diffference imo.
I think it’s ironic that people aren’t concerned that the same garbage that’s gumming up their PC is also gumming their lungs, and only one of these things is easily replaceable.
As someone that has repaired pothead and smoker friends’ PCs, the stench and other things from the residue is a nightmare.
I hear ya. Pet dander, smoke residue, saw dust, animal undercoat (the fluffy stuff not the guard hair) and caked on plain ole dirt. I've seen it all unfortunately. I have two areas for repairs. The indoor workbench and the backporch workbench, where my pancake compressor is hooked up. The latter is where the nasties get parked so as to avoid their ever polluting my home 😂.

The most disgusting was a 10yo hunka junk Dell from a tannery. The owner insisted he didn't want it replaced despite my best, long winded encouragement. I won't even try to describe the stench that clung to every last part of that poor thing.
I think it’s ironic that people aren’t concerned that the same garbage that’s gumming up their PC is also gumming their lungs, and only one of these things is easily replaceable.
Because everyone already knows this. What is not as well known is what it might or might not do to a pc in the same room, as was the OP's question.
I think it’s ironic that people aren’t concerned that the same garbage that’s gumming up their PC is also gumming their lungs, and only one of these things is easily replaceable.
I gave up smoking and drinking, I am keeping one vice.
Yes, you can smoke in the same room as your PC, but it's not a great idea. Smoke can get inside the PC and cause dust to build up, which might make it overheat. It can also stain and damage parts over time. If you must smoke inside, keep the windows open and maybe use an air purifier. But the best thing to do is go outside for a smoke. It's better for your PC and your health. Keep that RTX 4090 running smoothly!
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So now you know what to do, stop smoking and switch to healthier cookies,Berta's muffins and brownies.Happy you, happy PC.
So now you know what to do, stop smoking and switch to healthier cookies,Berta's muffins and brownies.Happy you, happy PC.

Nicotine is the most powerful nootropic known to man, it is an anti-parasitic, it prevents respiratory, sinus, and ear infections, including C19, and it boosts testosterone in both men and women (which is a good thing especially for peri-menopausal and menopausal women). It's additives and treatments that make tobacco bad. Yes, I know smoke is always bad, but not in an unrecoverable way, if you don't over-indulge.

Just don't smoke tailor-mades, get some good organic tobacco and roll your own using good papers. And smoke and walk at the same time, you'll have more of a cologne odor than a smoker's stink, and exercise is good for you.
Maybe just setup the PC next to a window you can open. Or create a series of tubes that vacuum the air outside. Like those bank teller tubes, but you blow smoke into them instead of send your checks in with one of those TMNT ooze canister looking things.
I sold 1 of my PCs to a heavy smoker and he needed it services some time later. It was down right nasty.

It also depends on the building. My dad smokes in his house, which was built in the 50s in France, and it has these funky little ducts near the ceiling, because it's a house, built in France, in the 1950s, and nobody wasn't a smoker back then.

Anyway, you could walk in there right now, after 70 years of smokers smoking, while he was smoking a cigarette, and not be able to tell any smokers lived there. But it's not just the vents, I think there's something about the paint and the other materials used to build the place, it just never lingers.

Same with cooking smells. I'm going to use a stereotype here and it's not meant as an insult in any way: but seriously a Punjabi family of seven with lactose intolerance could live there and it would smell just fine.

But electronics are different, they electrically attract particulates. I've worked on his stuff, it's never a pretty sight. Which is why I smoke outside, go for a walk. Also I'm one of those guys who can smoke two cigarettes a day or take a week off no problem. (My mom doesn't know I smoke and if anyone here welches on me I'll fucking cut you.) But I visit my mom usually for a week or two every other year and I just turn it off when I'm out there.

That being said, there are times, like when you watch a movie where everyone smokes, like Blade Runner... "OK pause it, I gotta, I gotta go smoke a cigarette. Just for ten minutes, I promise. Play on your phone or something I'll be right back this is a good stopping point anyway."
I had a friend that used to smoke with his right hand having the rig on his right side and all the smoke would go into straight the rig lol all his fans went bad his clear side panel had a yellow tone and his components accumulated a nasty sticky layer of goo with dust attach to them. Kind of like the good old tar and feather trick lol I would never expose my rig to smoke but if you don't care noone is stoping you lol