Can i smoke in the same room where is pc?


Limp Gawd
Oct 23, 2023
Hi. I will be plugging new pc with Rtx 4090, and 14900K etc. I m now living in other place ( block ) on 2 floor, where there is not balcony. Also i m smoking.
My question is . It will be harmful to pc when i will be smoking in the same room with this pc even when i open windows. ? Thanks.Or just everytime go out smoking?
Sorry for my bad language.
Yeah, your computer will be disgusting if you smoke near it. And nobody will want to work on it. Unless everyone in your country is smoking a lot, in which case; it's probably normal.

It will clog up your heatsinks and fans with more or less sticky dust that will be hard to clean.

I don't want to tell you how to live your life, but smoking less (or even not at all) is gonna make all your stuff last longer and save you money that you can spend on fast computers.
I mean windows are 4 meters from pc in the same room , but even when i open windows , there will be smoke in room when i will be smoking.
Depending on how heavy you smoke and how ventilated the room is will determine how much nicotine will get stuck to the parts in the PC.
I used to smoke in the garage for years with the ashtray in front of my PC and the inside of the PC wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and there are no windows in here.
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How much harmful can be nicotine to pc parts? : ) thx
not sure how harmful but it leaves a residue and smell on the parts.
A fire in your house and your PC sucking up all the smoke and soot makes the PC really filthy though.
this is a machine I sold to a friend who had a kitchen fire. I fully cleaned it and upgraded the coolers and fans,
An ex smoker (thankfully only a short time) who almost burnt his shirt while playing CS and smoking at the same time (20 years ago in a college dorm where smoking wasn't allowed lol), take it from me that you need to quit, first for yourself, then your family and lastly for anything inanimate like a PC...
An ex smoker (thankfully only a short time) who almost burnt his shirt while playing CS and smoking at the same time (20 years ago in a college dorm where smoking wasn't allowed lol), take it from me that you need to quit, first for yourself, then your family and lastly for anything inanimate like a PC...
;) :)
No, it's not going to hurt the computer. At worst you'd need to clean the dust out more often.
but smoke and nicotine?
People have been smoking around computers for decades and it doesn't have any reduction in their ability to work. As I stated, the only thing you might need to do is clean it out more often. Smoke does leave residue and that residue will collect dust easier.

Look up pictures of computers which have been used for years in automotive garages and the like. At best they'll be ten times worse than anything a smoker will do to a computer unless you're sitting there with the case on the desk and the side panel off using the inside of the case as an ashtray and blowing the smoke directly into the case every single time you exhale.
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People have been smoking around computers for decades and it doesn't have any reduction in their ability to work. As I stated, the only thing you might need to do is clean it out more often. Smoke does leave residue and that residue will collect dust easier.

Look up pictures of computers which have been used for years in automotive garages and the like. At best they'll be ten times worse than anything a smoker will do to a computer unless you're sitting there with the case on the desk and the side panel off using the inside of the case as an ashtray and blowing the smoke directly into the case every single time you exhale.
So smoke in room will not damage some pc part?
Yes it will damage the computer. Your phone too. And tv and anything with a microprocessor which is well everything but my toilet these days. Best to stop smoking. Outdoors no good either, might harm neighbors computer and be sued for damages
I suggest smoking right next to it each time you smoke for the next couple months, then look at the damage and realize what it does to you is even far worse.

(From a guy that does enjoy Cigars on a frequent occasion)
Yes it creates a sticky tar like substance in between everything. It wreaks havoc on your rig and your body it is full of chemicals. It's always a good time to quit always and it is also always the worst idea to smoke.


Smoke will have sticky tar in it, add dust and you have a huge mess that is really, really hard to clean. No you cannot just blow it out.
I found those links in seconds on google. I'm sure there are more that are even worse looking. Oh, and it's not just a sticky mess, it smells awful. It will make a non-smoker almost puke and will give them headaches. Not joking.
Yeah, your computer will be disgusting if you smoke near it. And nobody will want to work on it. Unless everyone in your country is smoking a lot, in which case; it's probably normal.

It will clog up your heatsinks and fans with more or less sticky dust that will be hard to clean.

I don't want to tell you how to live your life, but smoking less (or even not at all) is gonna make all your stuff last longer and save you money that you can spend on fast computers.

I've seen some nasty shit in the computer repair biz.
I use to smoke about 2 packs a day and at least 10 bowls, in a house with over 12 Pc's for years, and it wasn't that big of a deal as long as you have a monthly cleaning schedule.
Now vaping is a whole different animal, that shit is a motherfucker to get off, nasty.
Thankfully I've been smoke free for 7yrs now. :)

Is it me or does this user sound like the " should I RMA my shit?" guy??
I use to smoke about 2 packs a day and at least 10 bowls, in a house with over 12 Pc's for years, and it wasn't that big of a deal as long as you have a monthly cleaning schedule.
Now vaping is a whole different animal, that shit is a motherfucker to get off, nasty.
Thankfully I've been smoke free for 7yrs now. :)

Is it me or does this user sound like the " should I RMA my shit?" guy??
He was trying to get us to tell him what apartment to buy like a week or so ago.

Also I wont work on a smokers pc, its freaking nasty and stinks up the room i open it in. And the brown paste on the inside of the case is awful. I know not all are that bad but ive seen some rough ones.
He was trying to get us to tell him what apartment to buy like a week or so ago.

Also I wont work on a smokers pc, its freaking nasty and stinks up the room i open it in. And the brown paste on the inside of the case is awful. I know not all are that bad but ive seen some rough ones.
I've seen a few that made me want to quit right off the bat.
Here is a old Gateway that was so bad I did a before and after for the owner. I only work on those outside on the porch so no stench.

Picture 006.jpg

Picture 007.jpg

Picture 009.jpg
I remember what some folks at work used to say fairly often:

"You smoke, you die"
"You smoke near your pc, it dies, then you die too"

If you must smoke while using your pc, then do it a favor & go outside, or at least go into a different room & close the door...or better just quit :D I know it's hard, but your body will thank you ! (And FYI, I am former smoker of 15 years, for whom it took 7 attempts & 7 years to stop, but I finally succeeded)

Also, if you go over to the marketplace forum, either here or elsewhere, and make note of how many people include the statement "from a smoke-free home" or words to that effect, when selling pc parts....there is a good reason for that, just sayin
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I feel like pictures and examples of PC's that were smoked around are quite commonplace.

It should be extremely obvious that if you're going to do this, you need to be VERY diligent about regular cleaning. You'll never escape it entirely though.
I've worked in shops repairing PC's back in the day and I hated it when some smoker would bring their systems in. Even under the best scenarios, you'd have a thin sticky coating on everything and the computer would stink. More extreme cases it will cause a build up that damages fans and it acts as an insulator reducing the effectiveness of heat sinks.

Its just fucking nasty. I don't know why anyone would even start smoking these days. When people didn't know better they thought it was cool, now most people know it just creates health issues, grosses people out and makes all your stuff disgusting.
If you like yellow computer parts, go ahead! My parents have tried quitting multiple times. They've been in their house for nearly 30 years now, and you can tell. The cabinets are all yellow, the paint is yellowing in areas they smoke, it smells like an ashtray, you smell like an ashtray if you stay there for a few hours.

If you can quit, do it. If not, doesn't hurt to smoke less, and do it outside.
on his pc. he didnt ask for health advice. good 'ol [H] to the rescue ;)

Who was offering solely health advice? If you mean Dan's post, he highlighted the PC effects first. The health part is just a blurb. A lot of people are commenting on the PC aspects first. Which factually it is just harmful. To your PC parts, to you, to your home's resale value, to literally everyone anyone around you... etc. Is it going to blow your computer up? Probably not. Is it good for it? No. Is it bad for it? At least slightly, yes.
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Who was offering solely health advice? If you mean Dan's post, he highlighted the PC effects first. The health part is just a blurb. A lot of people are commenting on the PC aspects first. Which factually it is just harmful. To your PC parts, to you, to your home's resale value, to literally everyone anyone around you... etc. Is it going to blow your computer up? Probably not. Is it good for it? No. Is it bad for it? At least slightly, yes.
as per usual some feel the need to offer what wasnt asked for.
Tar will gum up a PC, and can, in rare cases, cause shorts. Mostly it will cause fan bearings to break, and reduce the efficiency of the cooling systems.

Smoke outside, go for walks, it's good exercise.