

Feb 18, 2016
Is it any good ? Do I have to backup my whole drive with it? I don't care it will just take forever.
I'm using B2 to back up parts of a NAS and it works well. Price is reassonable, web interface is good.

I haven't used the Mac/PC client service. AFAIK you can pick & choose what to back up (e.g, exclude the system, app, and cache/temp dirs).
It's cheap and you can do past "version" restores ( so if I wanted to restore a file from last week...before I screwed it can do it ), especially handy when talking about ransomware.

Essentially you tell it what drive you want it to backup and it handles the rest. There are some built in exclusions ( system / temp files, ect... ), but you can add to them.
Been using it for over a year now to backup my primary system with no complaints, but you do need to be aware that there are certain filetypes that by default, it does NOT backup (exe, for example).
i've been using backblaze for something like 7 years now... it's saved my butt (and clients' butts) many times. can't say enough good things about it
you login to the web console and click individual files or select folders; they create a ZIP file and notify you when it's ready to download. the more files, the longer the wait. super easy.

I was under the impression that BackBlaze only backs up what it wants to back up. And I cannot add anything other folders
Is everyone still happy with this service?
was looking to add to my Veem rotation for my lab.
I was under the impression that BackBlaze only backs up what it wants to back up. And I cannot add anything other folders
That hasn't been my experience; you select the drive you want to keep backed up and off it goes. It has an exclusion list you can modify ( folders and file extensions ), but otherwise it takes care of business in the background.

Regardless, in the years I've been using it ( on my system and clients ), it's "just worked". I've been able to recover important files without issue multiple times.

Well worth the 7/month.
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Is there any way I can store all my data I've in g drive (16/17 tb) for a decent price?
I may want a secondery copy in case my g drive goes south.