a80 issues


Feb 18, 2001
Last monday I got my a80, after takin mebbe 20 photos I noticed there was a dark line, like 1/4 or 3/8 of an inch down each side of the LCD, so i returned it and got a new one from BB.

The new camera has a dead pixel in the lcd and doesnt seem to focus right. Am I just having really bad luck or being to picky? Should I keep it? Returning the thing after my pm fiasco would be embarassing to say the least.

I know 400 isnt a ton of money for a camera but for a first purchase it seems kind of hefty to me.
You should try to exchange it for another new one. If you are spending $400 on a camera, it should work as advertised.
can we have pictures of these "out of focus" pictures please?

and i dont think 1 dead pixel on the LCD would bother me too much, but its up to you i suppose.