20 Worst PC Setups for March


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
The crew over at Think Computers has gotten its list of the 20 of the Worst PC Setups for March together. Just when you thought your rig was the worst on the planet, these guys will make you feel a bit better about yourself. These guys get extra points for not letting all those CRTs end up in the landfill!
Well, at least there are less garbage-dump with a computer buried in it setups this time. Those make me want to vomit a bit. Improvised setups are entertaining though.
I dont even see how these get entered. So how can they claim that they are the worst of the worst!
I don't see what's so bad about most of these. Just look like typical broke college kid setups with hand me down furniture or stuff they pulled out of a dumpster. I think most of us have been there at one point.

This one even looks nice. Dude has a Thinkpad, dual monitors, and a decent looking ergo keyboard. Not sure how this is the worst of anything. Yeah clearly he eats at his desk, but who doesn't?

Actually, I draw the line at a bottle of ranch dressing sitting on the desk. :p

Still, that one looks a little staged. Take those hundred dollar bills, and buy a better desk. (and maybe some cable management, and a small fridge)