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  1. S

    24 years after launch modder puts 3Dfx Voodoo4 GPU into a laptop

    That's like saying: "Don't climb the mountain- we've got all the pictures you want".
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    13900K - Out of Video Memory or BSOD during shader compilation in two UE5 games

    I've never been religious about processor choice. It just has no meaning. However, this whole debacle is indicative, in my opinion, of the problems and culture at Intel. This is the same kind of weirdness that caused the 10nm debacle. Intel has in fact been chasing others to catch up for a long...
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    13900K - Out of Video Memory or BSOD during shader compilation in two UE5 games

    Sorry for the long quote but I wanted the whole post intact. I've been wanting to start a thread about these issues- but since we don't have a "General CPU" forum it seems dangerous to put it on it's own in the Intel processor forum. But the issue that the above post points out is very...
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    Gamers report memory RGB lights are damaging GPU backplates

    You've been drinking right?
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    A look back at the 3dfx Voodoo 2 – the last dedicated 3D graphics card

    Well... I'll make an assumption here: We are of a generation of gamers who were there for the genesis of both the games and the industry. It was exciting for us wasn't it? My god the number of computers and upgrades I did to play the latest game is not really countable. And back then- many of...
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    A look back at the 3dfx Voodoo 2 – the last dedicated 3D graphics card

    I still have one of these. I've held onto it for the day I want to play the original Unreal. Pretty sure that day isn't going to happen. But just in case. It's the same reason I hold onto a couple of Dakota based PPC MAC prototypes.
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    Gamers report memory RGB lights are damaging GPU backplates

    So people are upset that exposing plastic to UV or IR light discolors plastics? Tell me it ain't so!!!
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    I microwaved a R9 390X gaming and now my pc won't run after 3rd time

    It's constantly necroed because it keeps on giving....
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    Need help with repairing a GTX 1050 2GB

    Where the hell is your sense of adventure? What happened to this community? Yeesh....
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    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    And there's that. I only had a Voodoo 2. And Unreal was... well unreal. Was really depressed when nVidia bought 3dfx out.
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    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    I think I already posted here. But I love this thread. If you've been around for a while this thread delivers great memories.
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    Kryosheet is awesome

    For me I think this is a great product. I keep some machines going as long as a decade. So they have to be maintained every year or two and sometimes they need to be repasted for whatever reason. It's an easy clean method that eliminates a pain in the backside.
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    4090 slim seem to be sold out on the net
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    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    Voodoo2. Unreal was an amazing experience back then.
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    WiFi 7 isn't supported on Windows 10

    Do you have your towel?
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    WiFi 7 isn't supported on Windows 10

    You do realize of course, that pointing out the construct of a fallacy, is to miss the joke.
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    WiFi 7 isn't supported on Windows 10

    Um... I'm a systems engineer with 35 years in. I'm probably running some of my own code to post this. Let me clear something up.... Windows 11 is bad. Really bad. It hangs in the air much like bricks don't.
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    Arctic Silver 5 (aka Old Gray Beard) vs Arctic MX6 (aka Young and Hung) - The Big Show!

    Oh I get it... I was just making conversation. It's amazing how much extra stuff I don't need to buy when I do a build these days. I hoarded all this stuff in the late 90s into the 2000s... Zip ties. Pfft. I'll never buy them again. Thermal paste? Might never buy it again. Extra screws...
  19. S

    Arctic Silver 5 (aka Old Gray Beard) vs Arctic MX6 (aka Young and Hung) - The Big Show!

    I have a big tube of as5 which I bought back in the stone age. I took have grown old. But it's used in all my builds. Works fine. The big tube was a good investment. If your talking about a 1c difference I'm not impressed enough to change my ways.
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    Gamers Nexus vs LinusTechTips: Smackdown

    I think that dude was new. He was part of the lab build out. He's also the guy who slagged GN in that video. Of course he's gone. They are probably blaming him internally for pissing GN off enough to take the headshot. No way he survived.
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    Gamers Nexus vs LinusTechTips: Smackdown

    Well, you are right. The "drive to build an authoritative review behemoth" is pretty absurd. But the good thing is that by just making that statement they are going to be fried in oil over and over. First they decided to leave their niche and compete with the big boys. And the handful of...
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    Gamers Nexus vs LinusTechTips: Smackdown

    I have to agree with this. The thing is, compared to the old print media, these YouTube "famers" are for the most part just playing games all the way to the bank. It might be fair to throw some criticism at GN for some of it's stuff- but Steve's the best there is right now. Some of us remember...
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    I can't recommend AMD over Nvidia

    I dumped nVidia this time around for AMD- after 22 years no less. I had to think about that- it gives me pause. My first Card after a Voodoo 2 in 1998 was a GeForce 256 in 1999. Why? Honestly I was just curious. I've been using AMD CPUs since Thunderbird. So why not? I have a RX 6600 and a RX...
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    7800X3D will be an utter failure of a CPU

    This is the story for many of us. Though I've never recovered my old account.
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    7800X3D will be an utter failure of a CPU

    Welcome back... bear this in mind as you rejoin the community. Things have changed and some of us are old(er) people now. We aren't busting companies like we did back in 1999 or 2000. We're tired. We're running stock. We don't give a flip. Most of the written tech press, and real testing, has...
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    7800X3D will be an utter failure of a CPU

    Boy... this makes me glad I went with a 5950. With my luck mine would have roasted itself even if it's a rare occurrence.
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    7800X3D will be an utter failure of a CPU

    It's simple.. I'm in this thread because I usually enjoy conversation. I'm bringing an alternate perspective to a conversation about an X3D part. I'm voicing an unpopular opinion that today's frame rate levels are not relevant to game play success. Also, I'm currently responding to a person too...
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    7800X3D will be an utter failure of a CPU

    And yet.... I'm still dominant at 20FPS. What I"m saying to you is I'm an exceptional player and see no difference.
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    7800X3D will be an utter failure of a CPU

    I'm at a loss actually. They push that so hard and my experience leads me to believe it's BS. Back in the day, I was completely dominant at 20-25 FPS on a Voodoo 2. And running Unreal tournament at those FPS levels was considered the best you could do. So recently I went onto Quake Live and...
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    Who else is waiting on Zen 4 x3D before upgrading?

    Nah... you're excited... I can see it from here....
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    Who else is waiting on Zen 4 x3D before upgrading?

    But you are still excited.... that's how it works.
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    Who else is waiting on Zen 4 x3D before upgrading?

    You know... this guy is the only dude in the current crop of "You Tube Personalities" that I even slightly have respect for. At least he's trying to do it right and succeeds many times. Anyhow- on topic. I'm unimpressed in a practical sense- but my inner nerd is all over this. In a practical...
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    Who else is waiting on Zen 4 x3D before upgrading?

    If there's one thing I was right about back in 2014 it was this: core count matters for longevity of the system. After a few years it may not be a gaming monster- but it will game well. It will also grow with you as threads in games/drivers increase. What I want to see is gaming benchmarks, in...
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    Anyone else got a 6700XT?

    I just picked up a 6700XT.
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    Ugly GPUs

    Not [H]ard.
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    Ugly GPUs

    Man I'm old... But I'm really [H]ard.... I used a custom loop, pond pump, combined with a peltier, a custom bios, Zalman copper on the memory, and a hardware mod to make a FX 5900 more or less double it's performance. This was on an VIA Apollo Pro 133a chipset and dual Pentium 800 Coppermines...
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    Anyone seriously considering the 4070 TI

    I've held off building a new machine waiting for the Strix CPUs.
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    Any 3D benchmarks I can loop continuously?

    Um... If I remember correctly furmark allows you to limit fps. If I remember that incorrectly you can limit the frame rate with vsync to get an equal load for this kind of testing.
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    Should you pay considerably more for High end Motherboards

    Hmm... thought about this a few minutes. Most of my purchasing has centered around chipset, SATA, and USB capabilities- this really seemed to matter after 2005 or so. So, high/low end doesn't really dictate much to me. But my buying decisions tend to put me in the mid/low mid range of boards...
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    Arctic Silver 5 (aka Old Gray Beard) vs Arctic MX6 (aka Young and Hung) - The Big Show!

    I usually just tape an old glass rectal thermometer to the back plate. You people have lost your hacker roots.