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  1. K

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    I am sometimes utterly amazed at what AI coding tools can make.
    Other times, not so much.
    What coding tools did you mean?
  2. K

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  3. K

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    its not technically stock settings though if the manufacturer bios is running the power settings outside of intel’s recommended specifications, is it?
  4. K

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    this intel crap about instability and degradation is all about the 13900k/14900k.. when run at stock settings ...
  5. K

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    so ...
  6. K

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    Thanks for not saying "wtf are you talking about" when I intentionally act obtuse to tease out thoughts.
    I have a love of state machines, for things with states. And are machines.
    My C# general implementation is the best. Via reflection, it can make all the bindings of transition actions just happen.
    I find the best programmers are obtuse about teasing out thoughts
  7. K

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    hey Phase - thanks for being a sounding board yesterday
  8. K

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    I'm working through massive simplification right now
  9. K

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    If I trigger states based on interrupt flags to skip over code it may solve it
  10. K

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    which? :p
  11. K

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    states may be able to solve the issue
  12. K

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    (in dm of course)
  13. K

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    would discussing this live be easier? (I can send a teams invite)
  14. K

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    I don't follow
  15. K

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    I could do it based on encoder ticks (which are firing on interrupts)
  16. K

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    I need to know that I've been executing a turn for x amount of time, so I can stop turning
  17. K

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    essentially I want to do a sensor sweep, then trigger a routine that does a turn while regulating the speed of the motors (against encoders on interrupts)
  18. K

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    I could speed up the micro to reduce the variation, but I don't want to do that
  19. K

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    I want to trigger z, then be doing x for y amount of time, I can have a counter around that in the main loop - but that varies the amount of time, if I have other parts of the loop processing
  20. K

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  21. K

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    I've got an interrupt on a timer, that's workable - but I'm struggling to get the other bit going regular
  22. K

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    I suppose the instructions can be blocking, but the timebase needs to be regular, a simple flag toggle with an if statement in the main loop looking for it won't cut it
  23. K

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    (it's on stm32, using hal
  24. K

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    hey Phase - how do you code a non-blocking timebase on a controller? - I need something running on a regular interval, but it's too big for an interrupt
  25. K

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    Morning folks
  26. K

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    Gotta be code structure or something
  27. K

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    hardware is the same, and working
  28. K

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    Not sure why.. commands are the same
  29. K

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    Will turn right… won’t (yet) turn left
  30. K

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    Phase: you're welcome to write this next bit for me lol
  31. K

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    next we see michalrz in an iron man suit with flight control surfaces and a zeppelin
  32. K

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    bigger surface = more force
  33. K

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    I think you'd have issues with wind
  34. K

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    there is such a thing
  35. K

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    right now I'm working on turning, I'd like to be able to make 4 turns and have it go in a square
  36. K

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    I reversed the polarity, other things could be suspect
  37. K

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    scrap the board