Search results

  1. J

    Asus PG27AQDP 1440p 480Hz WOLED

    Please have BFI up to 240 hz. Just for the older games/poor peasants who cannot afford a machine that can hit a solid 480fps.
  2. J

    Google walks back AI search results

    Damn, I've been doing it wrong this entire time. Who'd have thought?
  3. J

    Google walks back AI search results

    I mean, both of your examples aren't exactly wrong. Suicide will definitely end depression for you. Not sure about your loved ones but that's their problem, not yours. Glue sticking the cheese to pizza should be fine, so long as you get odorless, tasteless kind. I don't really agree with the...
  4. J

    Plasma is still beautiful and it's image quality rivals any modern tech!

    Playing this on the Xbox 360 and having it mostly hit 60 fps was an eye-opener for me. Especially since my poor graphics card couldn't do it. That was almost 20 years ago now. Damn.... Where has the time gone.
  5. J

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

  6. J

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Not for long. She's for sale. So is the 9-incher.
  7. J

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    My CRT's all hailed from the early 2000's. The last of their breed (except for my recapped PVM - that one is from 1996?). So yeah they're only in their early 20s at this point. By the time my youngest two are coming to leave the house well... yeah I guess I did the math wrong. 40 years old...
  8. J

    Do Lan Parties happen any more?

    IE - LAN party at your house? :D
  9. J

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I didn't get any new display. I've been downsizing and decluttering. My kinds don't care about this kind of stuff. I care more about spending time with them. By the time they're out of the house these monitors will be at least 30 years old. No sense in hoarding them to myself.
  10. J

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Just checking in on my favorite non-soapbox thread here. Keep it going ladies and gentlemen. Y'all are rocking it. I just sold my last PC CRT monitor and gave away my Quantum Data 801GG to a fellow monitor nerd. Hopefully it gets some more love.
  11. J

    ViewSonic XG272-2K - Blurbuster's Certified 240hz 1440p OLED display

    No I was talking about having the option of strobing at lower refreshes, thus boosting the motion clarity. Sorry I wasn't... CLEAR! I hate puns. :)
  12. J

    ViewSonic XG272-2K - Blurbuster's Certified 240hz 1440p OLED display

    Drool... I get what you're saying but I want to be able to play my older games at increased clarity. But yeah if the monitor (Viewsonic) only tops out at 4ms, then it's probably nothing to get super excited about. Pretty sure my XG2431 handily beats that even at lower refreshes.
  13. J

    ViewSonic XG272-2K - Blurbuster's Certified 240hz 1440p OLED display

    I would buy it but alas my hobby fund isn't big enough for it. Promise you this, if I do get it - I'll report back my findings. I'm very interested in this monitor.
  14. J


    Have you been in my office again? I seem to be missing some...
  15. J

    FS: Cheyenne Computer

    In that case, hard pass.
  16. J

    Plasma is still beautiful and it's image quality rivals any modern tech!

    I think what he's getting at is that OLED isn't really a great technology, all things considered. Contrast is good and pixels can fully switch off. Hurray! Other than that, and the power savings from OLED, it's not really that great of a tech when you think about how little it brings to the...
  17. J

    Plasma is still beautiful and it's image quality rivals any modern tech!

    Right? In 2007 too. What the actual fuck.
  18. J

    LG 32GS95UE – OLED 31.5″ with 4K @ 240Hz and 1080p @ 480Hz Support - The death knell of LCD panels

    Define performance. And define worse. My 2500 Cummins can't outrun my Odyssey to save its life. Obviously it's a worse vehicle right? :)
  19. J

    LG 32GS95UE – OLED 31.5″ with 4K @ 240Hz and 1080p @ 480Hz Support - The death knell of LCD panels

    Honestly, this thread title could read "Acura NSX, the death knell of Honda Civics". LCD's ain't going nowheres, not even gaming panels. For most people, price will always be king.
  20. J

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Dumb question. Is it possible to have a powerful GPU like an RTX perform all the rendering, and then send the output to another video card in the system with analog output?
  21. J

    Playstation 4?

    I say Konami can suck my left nut for not offering Rondo of Blood on platforms other than Sony. Only reason I'm considering the system.
  22. J

    Playstation 4?

    Hell no, no glossy for me. Hate that about the Wii U. Scratch/fingerprint magnet.
  23. J

    Plasma is still beautiful and it's image quality rivals any modern tech!

    Mmm.... Kuro. I'm honestly thinking of getting a 65 inch plasma. Our 51 inch is a little too small for our big living room.
  24. J

    Playstation 4?

    So am thinking of getting a PS4 for Castlevania Requiem. I also see that it has its own version of Minecraft and that version looks to be solid (4 player local co-op runs at a solid 30 fps at 1080p). Is there some quick resource I can go to, to see if a PS4 is worth it to me? Right now we...
  25. J

    Target joins Best Buy and discontinues sales of DVD's and Blurays

    Not to mention films being cancelled cause "muh raycism" and shit.
  26. J

    MSI QD-OLED Monitors 2024

    Dude, dump her. Obvious choice here. :)
  27. J

    Dell S2725DS

    Just purchased this screen and I wanted to give a shout out to those who are working from home and still using 1080p. This seems to be a solid monitor so far: - 2560 x 1440 - 27 inches - IPS - Great sound system for built-in speakers - 100hz - VRR if you're into that kind of thing - 100% sRGB...
  28. J

    Remembering the Nvidia GeForce 256 – the first PC gaming GPU

    Yep I get that. I agree. I mean the old Tseng cards can be considered gaming GPU's too right? I think they had the fastest DOS 2D performance. :D
  29. J

    Remembering the Nvidia GeForce 256 – the first PC gaming GPU

    I get what you're saying and I respect that. I do, however, feel that the first GPU to include T&L sets it apart from its forefathers. Before this inclusion, the CPU was still doing some of the heavy lifting. Not all of it obviously, and that's where the old graphics accelerators saved the...
  30. J

    Would you ever go back to LCD after experiencing OLED?

    Is this why my plasma refreshes at 96hz for 24hz content? It does look lovely. Do OLED TV's not do the same thing? EDIT - I don't mean 96hz specifically but just display 24hz content at a multiple - like 120hz (like most of them are capable of doing)?
  31. J

    Would you ever go back to LCD after experiencing OLED?

    I'm a BFI whore. Unless I see a FALD LCD that allows the same tweaking as my Viewsonic XG-2431, I'm not interested. OLED is the only tech that doesn't require extensive tweaking to get a perfect crosstalk-less strobe. Even if it's at reduced clarity compared to said XG-2431. So yes, I get...
  32. J

    XGI Volari Duo V8 Ultra AGP 256MB GPU Retro

    I always find these kinds of products fascinating. They took some odd design choices and risks. With 20/20 hindsight it's easy to see that it never would have worked out but it's still fun to look back on them anyways. Parhelia's weird Vertex Shaders vs Pixel Shaders being one of those...
  33. J

    Would you ever go back to LCD after experiencing OLED?

    Dude, CRT and Plasma pimp-slap LCD, in my opinion. Yet I'm using LCD now. I use what I have for the job that I need. I do wish to get an OLED monitor though. But yes, I will continue to "go back" to LCD. Will I use LCD on my main gaming rig afterward? Probably not - why would I?
  34. J

    Apple Plans To Overhaul Entire Mac Line With AI-Focused M4 Chips

    I wish all manufacturers put at least some effort into calibrating their screens like Apple did. A good bit of them finally are, but I always appreciated Apple for this. Anyways - I have no dog in this fight. Just saw your mention of a calibrated screen and wanted to chime in with how much I...
  35. J

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Nvidia gives you options as to which timing formula to use. I had good results using the GTF formulas, if I recall correctly:
  36. J

    Plasma is still beautiful and it's image quality rivals any modern tech!

    Only a matter of time. I was driving home and explaining to my kids what analog TV was like "back in the day". There's lots of old stuff that children today have virtually no exposure to anymore. Sad.
  37. J

    Plasma is still beautiful and it's image quality rivals any modern tech!

    I used to show off my GDM CRT monitors with this game. Absolutely gorgeous.
  38. J

    Remembering the Nvidia GeForce 256 – the first PC gaming GPU

    It's the first GPU with hardware T&L, which was the game-changing aspect of it. I think that you can make an argument for the claim of "first gaming GPU" using this standard. Before this the main CPU still had to do the T&L calculations. GeForce 256 eliminated that.