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  1. Gideon

    Nvidia Hits $3 Trillion Market Cap On Back of AI Boom

    People better cash out that stock while it's hot, if this AI boom goes flat then the stock will drop pretty hard. Also the stock market tends to punish companies if they can't continue to grow profit exponentially. Will see if they can beat the odds and somehow continue this momentum.
  2. Gideon

    intel 13th and 14th gen xx900 and xx700 may have defective cores causing crashes in gaming

    I think Intel tried a little too hard to press their chips to the max and now they are paying the price. I think the transistors are getting down to such a small size that they now degrade far faster when pushed with more voltage. Same thing AMD found with their chips, both companies need to...
  3. Gideon

    MSI ends AMD GPU partnership due to poor sales

    Sounds more like panic buying when the ban when into place, would be curious if that still is going on. I know the Chinese mostly wanted to get a 4090 for the AI capabilities which the 7000 series would not be as suitable for. I just think it's a bit sensational, because if AMD was truly selling...
  4. Gideon

    MSI ends AMD GPU partnership due to poor sales

    Yep total shipments are way down for both, thus why the total market share matters here. I mean your own chart show Nvidia shipments dropping to their lowest point in 2023. I have the feeling margins are not great for graphic cards, even EVGA citied that as the reason they dropped Nvidia. I feel...
  5. Gideon

    MSI ends AMD GPU partnership due to poor sales

    I love how some just throw things out like that, have any actual proof of said statement?
  6. Gideon

    MSI ends AMD GPU partnership due to poor sales

    Yet reports are otherwise. Nvidia still dominates sales but AMD has taken some market share back...
  7. Gideon

    MSI ends AMD GPU partnership due to poor sales

    AMD may have reduced their allotment to an unsustainable level. But unless the company comes out and tells us why, were just speculating and the title was clickbait as even in the article they had no answers.
  8. Gideon

    RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation

    That is a ton smaller then the 47.5 billion they made on other products, like AI chips. What would you do when you are facing a capacity strained TSMC and need to pick a priority on what to produce?
  9. Gideon

    Undertaker's FS: MSI RTX 4090 Gaming Trio, 2 x 1 TB NVME 3.0, PC3200 SODIMM

    Talk of new cards coming is probably going to make people hold off, plus the 4090 is still not a cheap card even used. Hopefully you find that person in need OP.
  10. Gideon

    China unveils world’s 1st diesel engine with 53.09% thermal efficiency

    Higher thermal efficiency does not necessarily translate into a cleaner running engine. Just means it's turning more of the heat into useable power.
  11. Gideon

    RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation

    The super 4080's definitely sold, buy the regular 4080's never really sold well. But I just think the upcoming 5000 series will likely lack the performance to really push anyone to upgrade except the few that have to have the best, especially at 1,000 plus for it. Amazon shows stock for the 4080...
  12. Gideon

    RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation

    I feel a 5080 priced over 1,000 bucks will be a dust collector for retailers, sort of like the current 4080. Honestly I was a bit surprised how well the 4090 sold, so that may still do well at a higher price. Profit is far more important to the leather jacket right now, otherwise stock value...
  13. Gideon

    RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation

    Umm, no it's not. Link for graph
  14. Gideon

    RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation

    I am a little less convinced they care about the consumer market as much right now, considering what their AI chips sell for at the moment. Will they give up on it, no. But I feel their focus is elsewhere and I think generational performance increases will start to suffer as they focus elsewhere...
  15. Gideon

    RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation

    Seen no rumors that suggest that is happening. Could it, sure. But with no info stating major core changes then, I don't expect much from the next chip. If more info come to light then my thoughts may change.
  16. Gideon

    RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation

    You do know they didn't rely on a node shrink for that. That took a significant core design change.
  17. Gideon

    RTX 5xxx / RX 8xxx speculation

    I find that unlikely unless they do more then a small node shrink. You just are not getting the same gains out of the shrinking nodes. I would be surprised if they eek out much more then a 25% uplift, unless they are doing more then just relying on a node shrink for the performance. Ray tracing...
  18. Gideon

    AMD Ryzen 8000 "Granite Ridge" Zen 5 Processor to Max Out at 16 Cores [Rumor]

    Ok Linux compiling is not something many people do considering the market penetration for Linux is less than 5%. I also don't see someone comparing a 64 core threadripper vs a 16 core X3D chip for normal use. I had a 16 core chip and other than compiling video which I only do on a rare occasion...
  19. Gideon

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    I find it funny when some want to argue the price the video cards are going for do not matter. When in reality it matters quite a bit as the prices are so high that most people are just not buying them. Then that even a rub for those that are willing to pay anything to have the best, if the rest...
  20. Gideon

    PCIe Express 7.0 specs version 0.5 now available to PCI-SIG members, on track to launch in 2025

    For a average gamer, I doubt it matters much at all. I mean it might constrain the theoretical limit of your NVME drive but that's about it.
  21. Gideon

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    Want Ray Tracing then you have to pay the Nvidia tax, especially with the amount of pixels you are pushing. Honestly I can tell if your using DLSS or FSR, they both have obvious visual artifacts and why I never want either on for any reason. Honestly there are very few titles where turning on...
  22. Gideon

    U.S. issues warning to NVIDIA, urging to stop redesigning chips for China

    You can tell who are Nvidia share holders in this thread. In a bit of a note it's been obvious for awhile that the US government is going to clamp down on high powered "AI" chips going to China. Any company looking to export to China with those kind of chips are going to be playing with fire.
  23. Gideon

    Claude takes the top spot in AI chatbot ranking — finally knocking GPT-4 down to second place

    Only if Meta finds a way to make it profitable enough to continue to invest in it.
  24. Gideon

    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    I would love for a operating system that actually challenges windows, but Linux has never been super user friendly and without that, it will never become anything more than a niche program for the average user.
  25. Gideon

    The Verge: Westworld showrunners are creating a Fallout show for Amazon

    You are not a Moderator, just stop and learn to just enjoy the forum.
  26. Gideon

    Ryzen 8950X Zen 5 CPU Benchmark Scores Allegedly Break Cover And They're Really Good

    I think were taking a bit out of context, they said they reduced focus on single core clock speed and focused on higher clock speeds for multithreaded. Which has worked out just fine for me on my 5800X3D. Honestly I just think they are hitting a wall on clock speed.
  27. Gideon

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    I just don't understand arguing in support of such a policy. They found my limit and I think quite a few others as well for the price of a halo card, which tends to raise the price on the non halo cards. The reason why you don't is you can cause permanent demand destruction as people remember...
  28. Gideon

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    I love the fact were comparing the cost for car enthusiasts and video cards... I think most people expect the car parts to cost a ton more than a video card from the get go. However if that said car parts start costing lets say 60% more I can guarantee you that said enthusiast will start...
  29. Gideon

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    Because if the halo card is 2,500, the 5080 is not going to be under 1,000. Thus massive price creep on the whole stack.
  30. Gideon

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    That pricing is insane, people are really going to feel the pinch just to play at 4K. I will remain at good old 1440p and continue to not upgrade my video card at these crazy prices and still enjoy good frame rates on my lowly 6900XT. Just not seeing the point anymore to upgrade all the time...
  31. Gideon

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    There is always going to be fanboy BS, regardless of which brand. The answer has been simple, if ray tracing doesn't matter than whichever card is cheaper is the one to get. Yet here we are 6 pages later.
  32. Gideon

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    It's advice good or bad, so relevant to the thread. Agreeing or disagreeing is a personal opinion on said advice.
  33. Gideon

    Intel Foundry aims for manufacturing independence

    They would destroy them if that happened, rather then let them fall into enemy hands or we would nuke it to make sure that didn't happen.
  34. Gideon

    HDMI Forum to AMD: No, you can’t make an open source HDMI 2.1 driver

    Or figure out something that works better without that intellectual property. Not impossible but unlikely, probably the closest is ARM, but even then they still have a ways to go to really challenge Intel or AMD.
  35. Gideon

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    It's a brand new game and for some reason they can have issues with 1 brand over the other. Seen people with Nvidia cards have issues, check out the rants about Hogwarts Legacy and how AMD was sabotaging Nvidia or some other BS. Reality is sometimes you have to wait a bit for a better driver...
  36. Gideon

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    It can really depend where you are at in a game, in Hogwarts Legacy being in a town or in Hogwarts with lots of NPC's makes a huge difference in FPS. But canned benchmarks I find tend to be lower than actual gameplay.
  37. Gideon

    7900 XTX Engineering Samples on eBay ~$850

    I think some people like to collect them for some reason, personally I wouldn't buy one.
  38. Gideon

    7900 XTX Engineering Samples on eBay ~$850

    Yet they get sold all the time anyway. Clearly AMD, Nvidia and Intel really don't care that badly. No warranty or support is the real price you pay for buying these cards anyway.
  39. Gideon

    Thinking about getting a 7900xt or xtx, but worried about my psu and coil whine problems people are reporting

    Clearly some of you need to go to more concerts or something ;) Never ever heard a coil whine from any video card I have ever had and I run a water cooling loop that is nearly dead quiet.
  40. Gideon

    Navi 22 GPU below MSRP in China upsets AMD

    Hmm guess I was thinking of Minimum Retail Price. Here is a link to that draconian setup . In the saltwater hobby this is super common setup and you wont be finding a better deal on the equipment unless the manufacturer decides to have a sale.