Search results

  1. S

    Which SSD For laptop?

    Hello, Im looking to put a new SSD into my laptop. I have an Auros 5 KE. The processor is an i7-12700H which according to intel spec sheet has a Microprocessor PCIe 4.0, chipset/PHC PCIe Version 3.0. Device manager says my current 1TB is an Aorus AG470S1TB-SI B10. This is a pretty fast Gen4...
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    Budget Gaming laptop advice.

    Hello, I’ve been out of the hardware game for a long time. I also switched over to Mac for my laptop needs. However I had my MBP overheat, and it’s acting up. So it’s going in, and being that it’s all soldiered, it may have reached its end of life. So I’m looking for a gaming laptop. Obviously...
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    Entertainment cabinet cooling

    Hello, Looking for some suggestions on cooling my cabinet. Long story short, the kids have closed the doors while playing and cooked two PS4s while I’m not home (white one just got back from Sony a few months ago as it got so hot LEDs fell off the board, black one was bought used in may, and is...
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    PC build, eGPU?

    Hello, Looking to start doing some light gaming on PC again, as the kids are taking over the living room. I have the Rig in my signature still, which clearly wont cut much. i5 2500K, MSI GD-65, MSI 6970. Im just wondering which route is recommended. I dont think upgrading my current system...
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    Upgrade or Partial Rebuild for Fallout 4?

    Hello, Guys I have the rig in my sig. Id like to play Fallout 4 at 1080P (all I have for a monitor), though id like the frame rate up around 120fps (skyrim got real smooth at 120fps). I realize its not out, and honest reviews on performance aren't available, but I've been out of the hardware...
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    Triple screen desktop card

    Hello, I'm looking to go with a triple screen setup, but in an extended desktop mode. I don't think I need to game across all 3 (don't game much, and bezels will drive me nuts). But I use dual monitors right now for work (center 23" and side 19") and would like a third screen. I can get all...
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    Kids PC

    Looking to build a PC for the kids, to keep them off mine and out if the office. 1) What will you be doing with this PC? Light Gaming, Flash Games, YouTube etc 2) What's your budget? No budget restrictions 3) Which country do you live in? Canada, Alberta. Most likely, NCIX, etc...
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    Triple monitor setup?

    Hello, I'm looking to do a triple monitor setup. Currently I have the rig in my sig. I have a 120hz monitor, I don't want it to be Eyefinity, but rather like am extended desktop. I currently have an old monitor as a side monitor for office stuff, but would like to go maybe 3x1080. To have say...
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    Looking for a laptop

    Hey guys, Im in the hunt for a new work laptop. I have a Dell D630 for RS232 tasks etc with work. But id like a good day to day laptop. Id like it to have some decent power, just so it lasts a little bit, but I dont need a gaming laptop by any means. Good battery life would be good aswell...
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    Any ideas on 2014 mini?

    Well, I ordered and received most of my automation parts. And I'll run a work log on automating my home for you guys here. However the automation IOS software I am going to run for iPad (in wall) and iPhone control of house is somewhat limited. (no worse then OEM offering). However they have a...
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    Need a new SSD quickly

    Well my power connector melted for whatever reason. Took out my SSD. I need to pick one up locally to get it going tonight. Wife uses it to pay bills etc. Here are my options, I'm replacing a m4 256. Local options id consider (staying clear of ocz, Kingston etc) Plextor m5s...
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    Melted connector

    Well PC has been randomly crashing the last few nights. This morning it wouldn't boot at all. Figured my m4 died, as I couldn't see the disk on my bios. Popped open the side and found this... I'm assuming this is an m4 warranty thing (disk is maybe 6-8 months old) I replaced my 128...
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    24 Port Switch?

    Hello, as im moving forward with house automation, whole house audio, video etc, im going to have a need for quite a few 10/100 ports, and a few gigabits. I have been looking at switches, and figure I need about 19 ports at most right now. So I guess a 24 port it is. As its for a home...
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    Qnap or Synology 8 Bay

    Well, I have finally officially ran out of space on my current MBL. In the past I was looking at building my own NAS, and almost ordered a few times, but at one time or another the parts I wanted we BO, or high in price. Then I wanted to wait for 4TB drives etc. But the time has come, and Id...
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    Wii U virtual console and classic games for wii

    Hello, looking for some help from someone with a Wii U. My son (3) has fallen in love with Mario, and plays Mario flash online, but even I find it hard with the keyboard keys. I was on the hunt for a nes system, but they are pricy, and wired controllers, and wall mount tvs dont work well. Then I...
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    Scroll Stopped Working

    Well, I am having trouble with my mouse (see sig). I have had this issue before. Where the scrolling stops. But I can click wheel, and it will allow me to scroll via up and down movements. I solved this issue by moving USB ports, and allowing it to re-install USB device. However Im outta...
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    Bioshock Saved Game Issue

    I know its an old game, I just never played it. so planned to put some time on it, and even 2, then get a crack at Infinite, when it comes out this month. I ended up, upgrading my C: from a 128GB M4, to a 256GB M4. I ghosted the drive, and now my saved files are seen, but not loadable. Any...
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    Mouse not scrolling, driver related.

    Well, having some issues with my Logitech MX. It was working, suddenly stopped. I checked the drivers, they are up to date. I then checked the settings. All appears to be set fine. Here is the kicker. If I unplug the USB doggle, and plug it back in. it scrolls just fine. Once windows finishes...
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    NAS Build

    This may belong in SSD & Storage forum instead, feel free to move it. I just figured I'd get good response to PSU etc here. Here is my build I'd like some more experienced eyes to look over. This will be a movie/music server. I was going to get a 8bay synology DS1812+, but I can build a much...
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    How to get to page 2 in [H]mobile?

    While browsing forums, this is what I'm encountering... Top of page; Bottom of page; How can I fix this do I can see early pages?
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    Can we get tapatalk?

    I was wondering if we could get tapatalk plugin added to forums? I find the mobile version buggy. When I want to view a forum, it works, however the next available page for me to select is 16. I can't physically see 2-15 to select them. Also I don't see a next page. With tapatalk I'd be able to...
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    Does hyperthreading effect ripping times?

    I know there is an advantage in encoding, but does it effect the creation time of an ISO? Or us the disk drive the choke? I'm asking because I just bought a dune smart d1, and will be ripping all my blurays and DVDs to ISO on my NAS. I will also be additionally ripping and re-encoding my kids...
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    Good air cooling case?

    A guy at work wants a gaming PC. So i was gonna throw him a parts list. I see my choice of supplier doesnt list the Raven 2 Evo, anymore. Which I have had really good luck with for air cooling. He wants a 680, so it's gonna be warm. What other cases are good for air cooling with quiet noise...
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    Need a NAS

    Well, I finally ordered my Dune HD Smart D1. For streaming of my BD in ISO format. So im gonna need a NAS soon. I currently only have a WD Mybook Live 3TB. And as good as it is, I can see my surpassing that, as the ISOs i have ripped so far are 25-40GB each. So its not gonna take long, I might...
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    iPad 3, sudden low volume

    Hey guys and gals, I had an iPad 3, that worked just fine yesterday, then I airplayed a movie to my sons ATV3, and now when I use it, it has extremely low volume. I dont think it sustained any bumps. It had a griffen Survivor case. I tried disconnecting from wifi (as I see no option for...
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    KVM switch?

    Anyone have a recommendation on a KVM switch? Looking for DVI (or HDMI), 2x USB, with audio (monitor doesnt have speakers). Looking to use same keyboard etc for my media server as my main PC in sig.
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    Good headset?

    I'm gonna do a little gaming, and would like a decent headset. It needs a mic (CS:GO). Id like some good 3d sound/surround. I've read multi driver headsets are a waste of money, and simulations are just as good or better. I only have the onboard sound card on my gd65. Any recommendations?
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    Good headset?

  29. S

    Co-worker gaming build

    ) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming 2) What's your budget? He was thinking $1500 taxes in 3) Which country do you live in? Canada 4) What exact parts do you need for that budget? Case, DVD, keyboard, mouse, CPU, Mobo, Ram, Videocard, PSU, Windows 5) If reusing any parts, what...
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    Build NAS or buy?

    Hello. I'm looking into a NAS to store my BD rips. Before I was hand raking them down, and storing them on a WD MyBook live 3tb. I'd like to now rip lossless copies onto a media server/NAS. So 25-30gb per movie (rough guess). I don't have a ton of movies at this point (30 or so I'd guess) but...
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    Windows 8 Upgrade

    Im looking at making a new dual boot mini PC. I see that microsoft is offering cheap upgrades if you buy a PC with windows 7 now. And now they have a builders edition of the OS. Does anyone know, or has anyone found confirmation that if you buy windows 7 now (say home 64), you will get the same...
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    What zombie game?

    Well I noticed dead island on sale for $20. Started looking at some post- apocalyptic zombie games. Is it any good, or should getting the walking dead? What other titles are worth looking at if you could just buy one? Looking for more of an open world the on a rail game. Though it's not a...
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    Underclocking and Turbo Overclocking 2500k?

    Hey guys. I am not really using my PC anymore for gaming. No time, however I am in the market for server PC, for my upcoming house. Instead of letting this sit idle, im wondering if I can reasonably underclock my current PC, to say 2.3 or so (same as 2500T), undervolt it, and have it ramp on...
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    Can you build me a mini?

    Hello, I am in the market for a mac mini. Though im not sure of my overall needs as far as level, just going off impressions I get. I have been trying to hold off for a Ivy refresh, and im just wondering if building a mini equivalent is remotely possible? Ill answer sticky, and we can go from...
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    iTunes library simultanious streams?

    Well I have searched here and the web, but have not found any official limit on iTunes simultanious streaming. I have found via google a thread claiming 16 max streams, can anyone confirm? I'm doing whole house audio and video. On the audio side I plan to have two airport express units tied...
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    Losing boot drive.

    I'm having an issue with my boot drive that I think is a mobo issue. I went to put a movie on for my son (iTunes -> Apple TV), and my PC didn't show up. I assumed someone closed iTunes. I went down and it was asking me to insert a boot media (forget exactly it was late). I tried a few reboots...
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    Flash on my 4s/iPad

    Id like to get flash Ayer on my iOS devices. But I need an interactive version. I have tried getting Flash for iOS/flash by comex. But it's no longer on cydia (yes I added repo). I'm doing home automation design and would like to use some flash tools (homeworks Grafix Eye design tool) and it...
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    Mac Mini

    Im building a new house, that will be automated with HAI OmniPro II UPB automation. With that said, there is an app that is much nicer then factory, and it uses a mac based helper. So im in the market for a mac to run with my HAI. Im thinking of running a mac mini. It would run Haiku Helper...
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    Taking offers on gently used Iphone4

    Well got a new phone today, anyone care to make an offer on my gently used iphone4? And I didnt just destroy it, i had it on the back of my sled deck, and made a quick run to the storage, and forgot it was on there till I pulled up. By time I got the 3 blocks back, it appeared to be ran...
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    Looking at used iPad.

    Another contractor at work has an iPad he doesn't use. So I'm looking atvrakingbit off his hands, I'm just curious how that works. It's registered to his iTunes etc. so will that cause a problem, or do I just wipe it, and its all good? Or does apple track units to accounts, and make it so I...