Starfalcon's latest activity

  • Starfalcon
    Starfalcon reacted to Zorachus's post in the thread WoW: 10th expansion; The War Within with Like Like.
    I'm a WoW player since launch 20 years ago. Seems to me Legion was the last big time expansion with tons of players and guilds packed and Raids full and dungeon runs easy to find groups. BfA there was a good drop off Shittylands even less...
  • Starfalcon
    I think this will be the first expansion I dont buy. I bought dragonflight and was planning on playing it, and just couldnt muster up the interest to play beyond a few hours. I log in every couple months and see my guild and server are dead...
  • Starfalcon
    Starfalcon replied to the thread current best air coolers.
    Thats working out real well for EK right now :) Im sure all their customers want to buy $1k waterblocks and other overpriced watercooling gear.
  • Starfalcon
    Starfalcon replied to the thread current best air coolers.
    Like I said they have waited to long to release anything new. Many companies now make cheaper and better coolers then noctua does now. The NH-D15 was great when it came out and pretty well beat everything, it was still very good when I bought...
  • Starfalcon
    Starfalcon replied to the thread current best air coolers.
    I like their stuff and fans also, but they havent come out with anything new in years. That is an eternity in tech. Plus their NH-D15 replacement is going to be $150 for a few more heatpipes and slightly different fans. They are acting like...
  • Starfalcon
    Yeah those were terrible back in the day. I remember people talking that they were going to destroy everything, then they came out and were terribly slow and had massive compatability issues.
  • Starfalcon
    Starfalcon replied to the thread Avowed (Obsidian RPG).
    Hopefully it ends up better than tyranny was, man that was a massive disappointment. It also was one of the last games I preordered, cyberpunk 2077 was the last one. I just wait to buy games as I am tired of rewarding failure.
  • Starfalcon
    They are testing the prepatch on the ptr june 17th, so I assume sometime in july is likely.
  • Starfalcon
    Starfalcon replied to the thread FS: Old RAM ***SOLD***.
    PM sent
  • Starfalcon
    Starfalcon reacted to Hawkwing74's post in the thread Oldest gamer I know with Like Like.
    I will be turning 50 in a few months. I have known Starfalcon, a member on this forum, for over 35 years IRL. My dad had a pong set at one point. My grandma bought us an Atari 2600, and my dad got a Commodore 64 which ended up changing life...
  • Starfalcon
    I really enjoyed Kingmaker and Path of the Righteous. That said, this game has been sitting in my queue because I keep reading horror stories on the bug experiences. And now, they want to bring out DLC in 2-3 months when they still haven't fixed...
  • Starfalcon
    I never played Suikoden, but heard good things about it over the years. I've had it in my wish list for a while and they don't even have a planned release date. So I picked up this one, based on it being similar. I'm only a few hours in, and...
  • Starfalcon
    Starfalcon replied to the thread Hades II.
    A lot more isnt done art wise though, there are a lot of backgrounds while you are talking to npcs and gods are still rough sketches. Most of the gods and npcs are in stages of being done, but until they have that reflective effect mel has they...